The Master of Arts in Church Ministry (MA-CM) is a professional degree program designed for people who plan to enter or upgrade in pastoral ministry. It is accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) and the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA). The normal duration of the on-campus program is 15 months, plus the time needed to finish prerequisites. This program is also available through AIIAS Online.
Outcome and Competencies of an MA-CM Graduate
- A Competent Discipler and Pastoral Leader
- A Compassionate Minister
- A Conscientious Teacher/Preacher
- Provides meaningful leadership in church worship
- Competent pastoral counseling to various groups and age levels
- Committed to the spiritual growth of church members
- Demonstrates enthusiasm in mission and evangelism
- Capable in performing church ordinances and traditions
- Demonstrates a basic understanding of approaches to discipleship and ability in discipling individuals toward multiplication and maturity of faith in Christ
- Provides care of their family and the church members
- Gives evidence of passionate care by visiting, praying with, and encouraging church members
- Sensitive to the various needs of church ministry
- Loves the ministry, the church and the people they lead
- Provides caring opportunities to revive and reclaim erring and backsliding members
- Demonstrates appropriate care and empathy toward persons experiencing various crises
- Is passionate in sharing and preaching the gospel
- Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of the distinctive doctrines of the Adventist church
- Demonstrates an ability to use the Scriptures effectively in preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and evangelism
- Demonstrates interpretive skills of the Word of God based on sound theology with a solid biblical foundation
- Exhibits a general understanding of the bible in relation to its authorship, background, history, and messages
- Hold a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (on a four-point scale) or equivalent.
- Demonstrate proficiency in English.
- Have a minimum of 72 undergraduate semester hours in religion.
- For every year of full-time regular denominational employment as a pastor, teacher or chaplain, two of the 72 semester hours in religion may be waived, up to a total of 10 years (20 semester hours). The employing institution should provide a certified copy of the worker’s service record.
- Complete 42 semester hours of coursework specified in the program within a maximum of 10 years.
- Have a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.75 for graduation.
Meet some of our Faculty
In order to complete the Master of Arts in Church Ministry program the following 14 courses or their equivalent totalling 46 semester hours must be completed on campus, at a DLC, or online.
Applied Theology | 15 units |
Ministry and Spiritual Life LEAD 510 Biblical Foundations of Leadership and Ethics (3 units) MSSN 577 Growing Disciples and Mission (3 units) CHMN/MSSN/LEAD-Elective CHMN/MSSN/LEAD-Elective | 3 3 3 3 3 |
Biblical Studies | 15 units |
OTST/NTST 512 Biblical Hermeneutics NTST-Elective OTST-Elective | 3 3 3 |
Theological-Historical Studies | 9 units |
THST 531 Distinctive Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church THST/CHIS/CHPH-Elective THST/CHIS/CHPH-Elective | 3 3 3 |
Research and Writing | 3 units |
GSEM 600 Applied Theology Research and Writing | 3 3 3 |
TOTAL | 36 units |
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