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The English language program offered on the campus of AIIAS has been developed by professionals to give students intensive and personalized instruction in the English language in an English speaking environment.


The courses have been designed to help students learn English in line with well recognized English language programs. The curriculum for the intensive English course has been divided into four levels, and a student may begin at any level, depending on the results of an entrance placement test.


Additional special interest classes may be arranged if there is a large enough group of students and a qualified teacher is available.


All foreign students who are not covered by an AIIAS scholar 47(a)2 visa are required to secure a Special Study Permit (SSP).

English Proficiency

AIIAS is an English-speaking institution, and English is the language of instruction for all on-campus and online courses. Because of its international nature, however, AIIAS courses bring together both teachers and students who speak different primary languages. Given the nature of graduate work, proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking English is important for successful student experience. For this reason, all on-campus and online applicants need to be proficient in English.


Demonstrating English proficiency is much like other proficiency tests, but has some additional regulations. English proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

1. The student’s primary language is English.

2. The student holds either a baccalaureate degree or a graduate degree in which English was the medium of instruction for the degree conferred.

3. An acceptable score on a standard test of English proficiency sent directly from an official testing center. A score of 79 on the TOEFL iBT, or a Band score average of at least 6.5 with a minimum band of 5.5 in writing on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test. Note that the MA Education, TESOL emphasis requires a score of 7.0 with no band below 6.5 (see TESOL program requirements). English test results are valid for 2 years.

If English proficiency is found to be insufficient in practice for academic purposes in one or more areas, even after demonstrating it in one of the above ways for admission, the academic department or program’s committee may refer the student to the English Center for further evaluation.

All applicants who need a test as proof of English Proficiency will be required to submit, at the time of application, a standardized English test score for an estimation of time for degree completion unless the sponsor signs a waiver.

Students may take the English Proficiency Test on campus on the dates designated in the AIIAS academic calendar, normally shortly before the beginning of every term. The test consists of listening, comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and written composition. Students who need to take the proficiency test outside of the scheduled dates will be required to pay an additional expediting fee equal to the regular to the regular English Center application fee in order for their placement to be determined.

Only students who meet English proficiency standards will be allowed to register for Seminary or Graduate School courses. Students who have not met English proficiency requirements are expected to retake a standardized English examination, or to take instruction in English as a Second Language, such as that offered on the AIIAS campus. Students in the English Center are expected to make adequate progress in their coursework in order to qualify for an AIIAS-sponsored visa. English students will be treated in the following ways based on their test scores:

Level 1

A student who receives a score of 53 or below on the English Proficiency Exam will work full time on English and register for Beginner English (Level 1). If at the end of the term, a student has fulfilled the course requirements by demonstrating in coursework the ability to communicate in basic English in everyday experiences, the student may register for Intermediate English (Level 2). Note: Students who enter Level 1 with a score of less than 30, will find it difficult to satisfactorily complete Level 1 within one term, and are likely to need to repeat the class.

Level 2

The student who receives a score of 54-61 on the English Proficiency Exam will work full time on English and register for Elementary English (Level 2). If at the end of the term a student has fulfilled the course requirements by demonstrating in coursework the ability to communicate in English at an intermediate level, the student will proceed to Level 3.

Level 3

The student who receives a score of 62-69 on the English Proficiency Exam will study English full time and register for Intermediate English (Level 3). If at the end of the term the student has fulfilled the course requirements by demonstrating in coursework an advanced ability to communicate in everyday experiences and to communicate successfully in basic academic contexts, the student will proceed to Level 4.

Level 4

The student who receives a score of 70-76 will study English full time and register for Advanced English (Level 4). If at the end of the term the English course has been satisfactorily completed with a B grade or above, the student may proceed to take the end-of-term English Proficiency Examination (EPE). A score of 550 on the TOEFL ITP and a 6.5 on the internal speaking and writing test with a minimum band of 5.5 in writing is necessary to enter graduate work.


Students who are very close to reaching the English proficiency score required for entering a graduate program at AIIAS will be allowed to take a graduate class, plus 8 hours in the English Center, which will be prescribed based on the student’s test scores and abilities.

Academic advising for students in the transition period should favor prerequisite courses or practical courses that do not require extensive writing or theoretical conceptualization.

Students who receive an English Proficiency Exam score of 80-100 will have passed the English proficiency requirement for AIIAS.

Academic Calendar

English Center Calendar for Academic Year 2023-2024


TERM A – January to March

  • English Placement Test – August 2, 2023
  • English Center Registration – August 3, 2023
  • Classes Begin – January 7, 2023
  • Classes End – October 4, 2023

TERM B – October to December

  • English Placement Test – October 9, 2023
  • English Center Registration – October 10, 2023
  • Classes Begin – October 11, 2023
  • Classes End – December 12, 2023

TERM A – January to March

  • English Placement Test – January 3, 2024
  • English Center Registration – January 4, 2024
  • Classes Begin – January 8, 2024
  • Classes End – March 4, 2024

TERM B – March to May

  • English Placement Test – March 11, 2024
  • English Center Registration – March 12, 2024
  • Classes Begin – March 13, 2024
  • Classes End – May 14, 2024
  • English Placement Test – May 22, 2024

  • English Center Registration – May 23, 2024

  • Classes Begin – May 27, 2024

  • Classes End – July 24, 2024


  • Students who pay the full package fee when registering may ask for a certificate of attendance if they pass the final examination.
  • The student ID must be returned to the English Center when withdrawing from the class and requesting a refund of the $300 deposit.
  • A passing B grade (83%) is required in order to go to the next level of English. If the class requirements are not fulfilled, the teacher has the right not to give a passing grade. This includes regular lab attendance.
  • Due to limited classroom space, classes and labs may be scheduled at different times, Monday through Friday. The English Center is not able to change class and lab schedules to suit the personal needs of individual students.