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BUIT 660 Management Information Systems

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Change Your World

BUIT 660 Management Information Systems

About the Course

Students learn to establish, operate, and control integrated, computer-based information systems to support management decision-making. Topics discussed include information systems structuring, hardware and software systems, quality assurance, information gathering, storage retrieval, and control.

Who Needs This Course?

  1. Graduate students:
    • MBA, MSA
  2. This course may also be taken by:
    • Business professionals for continuing education
    • Business Professionals as a non-degree course for professional development
    • Graduate students of other schools as transfer credit

Time Investment

5-6 hours a week

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  1. provide a historical context for the use of computers in modern business;
  2. discuss relevant computer hardware and software concepts;
  3. present specific dependence of business practices on computers;
  4. describe management information systems;
  5. depict a typical business computer system lifecycle;
  6. introduce the systems analysis process; and
  7. consider management concerns in the selection, use, and maintenance of an integrated computer-based information resource.

Topics to Cover

MIS projects and Integrated Case Studies Presentations

Week 1 – Information System in Global Business Today – Chapter 1

Week 2 – Global E-Business: IS for organization and strategy- Chapters 2 & 3

Week 3 – Ethical and Social Issues in Emerging IS and IT Infrastructure – Chapters 4 & 5

Week 4 – Foundation of Business Intelligence and Telecommunications – Chapters 6 & 7

Week 5 – Securities in IS and Enterprise Application – Chapters 8 & 9

Week 6 – E-commerce and managing knowledge – Chapters 10 & 11

Week 7 – Enhancing Decision Making and Building Information System – Chapters 12 & 13

Week 8 – Managing Projects and Global Systems – Chapters 14 & 15

Week 9 – MIS Projects and Integrated Case Studies Presentations


Do Lian Thang

Do Lian Thang is an Assistant Professor in the Business Department at Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary (MUAS). Beyond his teaching in the classroom, he serves as an institutional webmaster and committed advisor to students, offering insightful guidance and mentorship to support their academic and professional growth