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EDCI 632 Inclusive Instructions

Experience AIIAS,
Change Your World

EDCI 632 Inclusive Instructions

About the Course

This course is an exploration of the approaches that can be used by teachers for the inclusion of exceptional children, including gifted children, into the regular classroom setting. The characteristics of enabling conditions will be analyzed, and appropriate educational programs and issues of assessment will be addressed. Current trends and the impact of legislation on special education practices, including inclusion, will be reviewed. Techniques for dealing with different levels of ability within the classroom will be examined.

Who Needs This Course?

  • MA – C&I
  • PhD C&I cognate
  • Professionals for continuing education
  • Graduate students of other schools as transfer credit
  • Professionals as a non-degree course for professional development

Time Investment

The time to invest in this course is 6 to 9 hours every week.

Course Outcomes

The participants are expected to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in inclusive instruction procedures.
  2. Develop specific skills in research related to students with special needs.
  3. Use critical thinking and perspective-taking through online forums.
  4. Create a course portfolio that showcases the cumulative learning experiences in the course.
  5. Develop skills in teaching students with special needs
    • Prepare lesson plans
    • Micro teach and receive feedback.
  6. Participate in online journaling that reflects critical thinking and open-mindedness.
  7. Demonstrate the proficient use of technology to accomplish the objectives of the course.

Topics to Cover

UNIT 1:Learners with Special Needs
UNIT 2:Special Education and Collaboration
UNIT 3:Skills of General Education Teacher
UNIT 4:Skills of the General Education Teacher (contd.)
UNIT 5:Methods of Teaching Learning with Disabilities
UNIT 6:Methods of Teaching Learning with Disabilities (contd.)
UNIT 7:Methods of Teaching Learning with Disabilities (contd.)
UNIT 8:Methods of Teaching Learners with Other Special Needs


Dr. Prema Gaikwad is a professor in the Education Department at AIIAS. She’s from India and has been into teaching for 45 years. She’s married to Dr. Samuel Gaikwad who is also a professor in the Education Department at AIIAS. The couple is blessed with two sons who are now both surgeons currently working in India.

Dr. Prema served as Chair of the Education Department from 2007-2011 and 2013-2015. In addition, she was an editor of the “International Forum” an internationally double-blind peer-reviewed journal produced by the graduate school, and interim vice president for academic administration for AIIAS.