Experience AIIAS,
Change Your World
A study of the role of content courses in the development of reading and writing, grammar, vocabulary, and thinking skills. Emphasis is placed on the integration of reading, writing, and study skills to enhance retention in all content areas. The course includes a survey of appropriate teaching aids suitable for all learners, incorporating critical evaluation of numerical data, technology, and media literacy, including underlying issues such as bias, power, and culture. Experiences in the class include observation and teaching practice at various ages and levels of language ability.
6-8 hours per week
WEEK 1: Content Literacy
WEEK 2: Context of Literacy Instruction
WEEK 3: Teaching Vocabulary in the Content Areas
WEEK 4: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
WEEK 5: Teaching Writing in the Content Areas
WEEK 6: Assessing Reading and Writing
WEEK 7: Preparation and Evaluation of Instructional Materials
WEEK 8: Building a Community of Readers and Writers
Dr. Arceli Rosario has served AIIAS for ten years, from June 2012 to May 2022. Presently, she serves as the President of the Adventist University of the Philippines. As an adjunct professor, she teaches Educational Administration and TESOL courses at AIIAS. She credits the nurturing environment of AIIAS for enabling her to grow as a Christian scholar and leader.