Theological Seminary Course Description
Letter prefixes for Seminary courses are
GSEM General
Applied Theology
Biblical Studies
Theological-Historical Studies
Number prefixes used for Seminary courses are:
- 500-599 Introductory courses for masters students.
- 600-699 Masters level and specialized courses.
(Doctoral students may get credit for a limited number of 600 level specialized courses)
- 700-799 Advanced, post-masters courses.
- 800-899 Research or advanced independent courses.(Available to doctoral students only)
For non-Seminary courses needed to meet degree requirements, see course listings and descriptions under the Graduate School: Areas of Instruction section of this Bulletin.
General, Interdisciplinary, and Research Courses
____589/689 Elective Course in (1-3)
A provision for the entry of transfer credits and an occasional special course or elective not specifically named in the Bulletin.
____883 Interdisciplinary Seminar in __________ (Concentration) (3)
This seminar will advance beyond the material presented in core courses by addressing specific issues related to the areas of concentration. Students will train to do research, applying biblical, theological, historical, ministerial, and missiological concepts to their study areas.
GSEM 600 Applied Theology Research and Writing (3)
In this course, students will learn to write clear, concise and welldeveloped exposition where critical thinking and editing skills are emphasized. There will also be an introduction to Library Research, the APA style, the basic components of an Applied Theology research paper and basic research methods. This course will attempt to provide an adequate foundation for students to write research papers for their coursework. Directed Studies 219
GSEM 605 Academic Composition (3)
In this course, students will learn to write clear, concise, and welldeveloped exposition. Other objectives include peer evaluation, learning to revise and edit drafts, and evaluation of models for writing. Critical thinking and editing skills are emphasized. The course includes an introduction to library research.
GSEM 608 Advanced Methods of Teaching Bible (3)
This course is designed to provide theoretical and experiential knowledge related to teaching techniques, values teaching, and student growth and development characteristics. Emphasis is given to the practical application of concepts and tools discussed in the classroom, with a requirement to demonstrate mastery of material in actual classroom teaching.
See RESM 610 for course description.
GSEM 611 Thesis Equivalent Writing (1-3)
This is a directed research course guiding doctoral students who did not write a thesis in their master program to write a thesis equivalent to fulfill the thesis prerequisite. This course should be completed before 50% of the course work is done. The program director in consultation with the related department to decide the number of credits required. Prerequisite:GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing (can be registered concurrently).
See RESM 615 for course description.
This course is designed to equip the doctoral student with the minimum skills necessary to read research literature in French with the aid of a good lexicon. Proficiency may be demonstrated by means of a challenge examination graded an S/U. (See Challenge Policy, p. 32.)
This course is designed to equip the doctoral student with the minimum skills necessary to read research literature in German with the aid of a good lexicon. Proficiency may be demonstrated by means of a challenge examination graded an S/U. (See Challenge Policy, p. 32.)
GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing (3)
A study of the philosophy, methods, and tools of research, with primary emphasis on documentary research; steps in preparing a proposal, thesis, project, or dissertation; practical instruction on writing techniques, including Turabian and APA guidelines for format, style, and mechanics. As a basic requirement of the course, the student must prepare a research paper that conforms to the appropriate style guidelines.
GSEM 698 Continuation of MA Thesis Writing (no credit)
Students who have already taken the six credits of MA Thesis but are still working on the thesis must continue enrollment by registering for continuation of thesis writing.
GSEM 731/831 Seminar in Worldview and Worldview Change (3)
A study of the nature and functions of worldview and the dynamics of worldview change. Special attention is given to Christian transformational change in worldview.
GSEM 796 Continuation of DMin Project Writing (no credit)
Students who have already taken the nine credits of DMin Project but are still working on the project must continue enrollment by registering for continuation of project writing.
GSEM 890 PhD Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3)
A seminar in advanced research techniques and tools used in developing a PhD dissertation proposal. The student will develop a preliminary or tentative proposal that will be defended in a mock defense. The seminar will extend over two semesters. Prerequisite: GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing.
GSEM 894 Course Development and Teaching Practicum (3)
PhD in Religion candidates are required to teach a course under the instruction of the department of the major. This course is designed to offer the student supervision and instruction in course development, teaching, and evaluation for this purpose. The student must submit a course syllabus along with all major exams for the course being taught under the supervision of the professor assigned by the department.
GSEM 898 Continuation of PhD Dissertation Writing (no credit)
Students who have already taken the 12 credits of PhD Dissertation but are still working on the dissertation must continue enrollment by registering for continuation of dissertation writing.
MSSN 795 Approaches in Applied Theology Research in Mission (3)
A study of qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for church ministry and mission such as the case study approach, the descriptive phenomenological approach, field study, ethnographic approach, and program development approach. It also explores theories and methods in preparing students to do research in missions.
MSSN 854 Research Design in Mission (3)
Advanced missiological research methods that includes preparation of a tentative proposal for a field research dissertation. The course addresses the specific challenge to the discipline of missiology in an intercultural setting.
Directed Studies
The appropriate program prefix (such as MSSN, OTST or THST) will be filled in at the time of registration, depending on the area of study.
______ 588/688/788 Updating of (Original Course Name) (no credit)
Updating an outdated course is registered under the same prefix and first digit as the original course. The charge for this course will be equivalent to the fee for one credit in the student’s program, but no credit will be granted. For details, see the section entitled “Updating of Academic Credits” under Academic Information and Policies.
______603/703/803 Applied Theology Research Seminar (3)
This course is designed to equip students with theories, research designs and methods in both quantitative and qualitative research appropriate for Applied Theology. Special emphasis will be focused on approaches to case study, program evaluation, action research, and phenomenological research. Students are expected to produce a mini-proposal in preparation for their project or dissertation.
______ 690/790 Directed Studies (1-3)
A course designed to allow students to fulfill the requirements of a specific course. This course can only be assigned by the program director in consultation with the department chair. One semester hour of directed course credit requires 45 or 60 hours of individual work by the student: 45 hours for those in professional programs, and 60 hours for those in academic programs. A S/U grade is given. A Directed Study may not be taken in the place of a core course.
______ 693/793/893 Directed Readings in _________ (1-3)
A course designed to give students the opportunity to enhance knowledge in specific areas in consultation with the professor. The course focuses on extensive reading. One semester hour of course credit requires 45 or 60 hours of individual work by the student: 45 hours for those in professional programs, and 60 hours for those in academic programs. A S/U grade is given. A contract is prepared between the student and a professor who will supervise the student’s work.
______ 695/895 Directed Research in _______ (1-3)
A course designed to give students the opportunity to present in-depth research in specific areas in consultation with the professor. The courses focuses on research work as presented in extensive writing. One semester hour of course credit requires 60 hours of individual work by the student. A S/U grade is given.
______ 696 Ministry Project (3)
A guided project with written report dealing with actual ministry application.
A thesis required under the MA in Religion program. For details, see the MA in Religion program section. A total of six semester hours must be taken. Prerequisite: GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing.
A project and report required under the DMin program. The project should address a problem or issue directly relevant to the ministry of the contemporary church. The report should be roughly 120-150 pages. A total 222 Doctor of Philosophy in Religion of nine semester hours must be taken. Prerequisite: CHMN 703 Applied Theology Research Seminar.
______ 898 PhD Dissertation (3-9)
A dissertation required under the PhD in Religion program. For details, see the PhD in Religion program section. A total of 12 semester hours must be taken. Prerequisite: GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing.
MSSN 897 DMiss Dissertation (3-6)
A research required under the DMiss program. The dissertation should be between 200-225 pages and should address a problem or issue directly relevant to the mission context of the candidate. A total of six semester hours must be taken. Prerequisite: MSSN 854 Research Design in Mission