Church Ministry
CHMN 515/615/715 Equipping Ministry (3)
This course studies the biblical basis for the pastor’s teaching ministry, the psychological foundations of the teaching and learning process, and the skills needed for teaching in a congregational setting. It helps the pastor to develop leaders in the congregation and to develop the skills needed to administer church programs.
CHMN 546 Field Experience in Preaching and Worship (1-2)
This course is an immersion in the practice and discipline of preaching different styles of sermon to different congregations. It is also to provide students the opportunity to develop their skills in the design and leadership of worship.
CHMN 555/655 Applied Theology Colloquium (1)
This course is designed to introduce students to specific areas of practical theology which the regular curriculum does not cover. It provides students with an opportunity to be exposed to a variety of topics. Faculty and experts from every department and program across the campus and other institutions will be invited to participate in the colloquiums. Sixteen hours of Colloquiums would be offered during each semester for one credit. The course requirements would be met through attendance and written reaction papers. The course can be repeated for credit.
CHMN 556 Pastoral Ministry (3)
A study of the divine calling to ministry, ministerial ethics, and the diverse functions of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, such as administrator, evangelist, worship leader, teacher, shepherd, organizer, district leader, and counselor. The Manual for Ministers serves as the basic resource material for the course.
CHMN 558 Church Ministry Practicum (1)
This course is designed to provide introductory church ministry experience. It is offered as part of the MDiv program prerequisites in cooperation with a local congregation. It exposes the student to various aspects of church ministry including evangelism, youth ministry, church leadership, and administration. This course may be repeated up to three times indicated by successive Roman numerals.
CHMN 600/700/800 Studies in Church Ministry (3)
A study of selected issues relevant to church ministry.
CHMN 606/706/806 Theology and Practice of Ministry (3)
This course focuses on both the theological and theoretical foundations for the practice of ministry and mission today. Through this course, pastors and church leaders will study the practice of ministry from a biblical perspective and reflect on how it can be effectively reproduced in the modern context.
CHMN 609/709/809 Seminar in Applied Theology Methods (3)
A discussion and illustration of principles and methods of study and research in the fields of mission and ministry, especially for students majoring in Applied Theology. A major paper is required, using selected methods from the discipline. (Identical to MSSN 609/709/809)
CHMN 658 Advanced Church Ministry Practicum (1)
This course is provide advanced church ministry experience. It is required as part of the MDiv program in cooperation with local congregation. The student will participate in church ministry to develop skills such as preaching, evangelism, youth ministry, church leadership, and administration. This course may be repeated twice, indicated by successive Roman numerals.
Christian Community and Spirituality
CHMN 512/612/712 Pastoral Care and Counseling (3)
The course combines biblical principles with modern approaches to interpersonal relationships. It studies procedures and problems in pastoral care. Emphasis is given to developing the communication skills necessary for smooth resolution of conflicts. Students will participate in counseling sessions to apply the principles learned in class. (Identical to EDRE 612.)
CHMN 513 Field Experience in Pastoral Care and Counseling (1-2)
This course is an application of the theories and principles learned in CHMN 512 Pastoral Care and Counseling. The students are expected to undergo a field experience in conflict resolution and counseling practices in the church.
CHMN 535/635/735 Youth Ministry (3)
The course is designed to equip pastors and other leaders with strategies to win, retain, and develop youth as the most precious asset of the church.
CHMN 545/645/745 Dynamic Sermon Design and Delivery (3)
The course builds on basic knowledge and skills developed in college homiletics courses and prior preaching experience. The course stresses sharpening homiletical methods and developing them into effective sermon delivery.
CHMN 549/649/749 Religious Education in the Local Church (3)
Designed to enable the student to effectively direct programs, build organizational structures, and develop curriculum for Christian education in the local church.
CHMN 550/650 Field Experience in Religious Education in the Local Church (1-2)
This course is a follow-up study of the concepts and principles learned in CHMN 549/649/749 Religious Education in the Local Church. It discusses and presents how the Adventist perspective of education be a conduit to mission and discipleship in the local churches. Special focus will be addressed on how to establish church school, conduct child evangelism, and develop religious programs for young people with focus on outreach. Prerequisite course: CHMN 549/649/749 Religious Education in the Local Church
CHMN 579/679/779 Ministry and Spiritual Life (3)
A study designed to develop understanding of and experience in the spiritual life. The classic disciplines are examined, biblically and historically, with special reference to the responsibilities of ministry. Emphasis is on the development and maintenance of vital faith, habits of spiritual discipline, self-renewal, and personal devotion in the face of the pressures and problems of contemporary Christian service. The course explores spiritual vitality programs, both for the minister and the local congregation. (Identical to EDRE 679.)
CHMN 580 Field Experience in Ministry and Spiritual Life (1-2)
This course is Spirit-led application of spiritual practices/disciplines designed for self-renewal and spiritual transformation needed for authentic ministry.
CHMN 610/710/810 Seminar in Family Life Issues (3)
This seminar discusses contemporary problems and issues relative to family wellness. It includes topics such as spousal interactions, problems in parenting, child abuse, aging and health, and other needs and crises at critical periods in the life cycle. (Identical to EDRE 710 and PHEL 678.)
CHMN 611/711/811 Seminar in Preaching and Worship (3)
An advanced course emphasizing homiletical theory, current preaching trends and models of experimental preaching techniques, current trends and practice of corporate worship. Prerequisite: six graduate units of preaching and worship.
CHMN 641/741/841 Theology and Practice of Worship (3)
A study of the biblical foundation and historical background of Christian worship with attention to principles, plans, methods, and resources for worship.
Evangelism and Church Growth
CHMN 530/630 Health Ministries (3)
Study of the Adventist health message from revelation, scientific and educational perspectives. This course focuses on health, disease, and healing dynamics from revelation and scientific viewpoints. Emphasis is given to medical missionary work at the church and evangelistic levels. Simple techniques of maintaining personal health, and methods for combining the gospel and health are discussed. (Identical to PHFN 630.)
This course is offered in connection with a field school of evangelism. The first week offers classroom study of the skills for personal evangelism. The other two weeks are an in-residence study of basic planning, budget building, church participation, advertising, audio-visual aids for public evangelism, and dynamics and techniques of evangelism in which the students will participate.
CHMN 563/663 Principles and Procedures of Evangelism (3)
This course covers planning, budget building, church participation, advertising, audiovisual aids for evangelism, and approaches to personal and public evangelism.
CHMN 578/678/778 Approaches to Muslim Culture and Ministry (3)
A study of the development and evaluation of various approaches of Christian ministry among the broad spectrum of Muslim peoples.
CHMN 586/686/786 Techniques in Church Planting (3)
The course provides an overview of the entire church planting process. It discusses topics such as the need for church planting models, as well as basic plans for beginning a church plant. The course provides the needed criteria for the denomination to become a church planting movement, based on multiplication rather than addition. (Identical to MSSN 586/686/786.)
Church Leadership
LEAD 510/610/710 Biblical Foundations of Leadership (3)
This course explores the foundational teachings and primary metaphors of leadership in the Bible. These teachings and metaphors are understood in the context of God’s large calling on the covenant community in redemptive history. Some attention is also given to contemporary metaphors for ministry.
LEAD 530/630 Church Leadership and Administration (3)
A study of leadership theories from various disciplines, as well as a biblical perspective on leadership principles and development. The course studies the financial and administrative structures of the Adventist Church and recommends procedures for church and mission administration. The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual and the Working Policy serve as basic resource materials for the course.
LEAD 533/633/733 Theology, Theory, and Practice of Leadership (3)
The course investigates principles and practices of effective Christian leadership. It includes theological reflection, literature review, theory, and practice application of learning in the context of professional ministry. Emphasis is placed on developing the leadership potential of the student sand sharpening their skills in developing leaders from among those who are reached by their influence.
LEAD 607/707/807 Leadership Development (3)
This course is designed to help pastoral leaders to intentionally develop leadership in the local church. Its main objective will be not only to fine tune an individual’s leadership skills, but to help the student to become a leader of leaders, who will have a plan for intentionally developing leadership in the local church. The subjects are ‘mentoring,’ ‘staffing from within and without,’ ‘motivating volunteers’, ‘finding spiritual gifts,’ and other related subjects.
LEAD 617/717/817 Seminar in Leadership Development (3)
This course will build upon the students understanding of the theoretical aspects of leadership and of administrative roles within the church. Secular and Christian ideas of leadership are examined and applied to the church and ministry environment.
LEAD 621/721/821 Leadership and Spirituality (3)
This course seeks to enable doctoral students to (1) appraise how their own vocational calling can best assist the local church in fulfilling its mission; (2) clearly grasp and understand the concept of Christian leadership; (3) have a beginning overview of the dynamics of resistance, change, and transformation of an entire congregational system; and (4) be able to articulate the primary values the student desires to hold in leadership.
LEAD 628/728/828 Seminar on the Contemporary Issues in Leadership (3)
Leadership is a process of motivating and influencing people to accomplish the goal of the organization. Its goal is to lead followers become effective and be able to achieve the focus of the institution under various conditions. In this rapid changing world leaders may confront many unpredictable challenges and crisis. This course is designed to handle and prepare leaders to create vision, generate courage in time of crises, and develop emotional intelligence in promoting core values. Further, it deals on leadership issues such as; trust and ethical behavior, role of mentor, and authentic leadership.
LEAD 635/735 Servant Leadership (3)
Servant leadership is rooted in the model of Jesus Christ in order to build a bridge between the church and the world. This course is designed to develop a theology of service and leadership that will be tested and practiced in their work, home, and church setting. This course will help the students to discern their vocation in the church and the world.
LEAD 640/740 Women and Leadership (3)
This program is designed to prepare a new generation of women leaders with vision and courage, who will go on to participate effectively in leadership spheres in the church. It focuses on the barriers to women leadership positions in the church, and provides the participants an opportunity to sharpen their leadership skills and take proactive steps to close the gender gap in the church.
Church Management
LEAD 620/720/820 Organizational Behavior (3)
See MGMT 610 for course description.
LEAD 645 Administrative Finance (3)
See EDAD 640 for course description.
LEAD 650 Human Resource Management (3)
See MGMT 612 for course description.
LEAD 655/755/855 Seminar in the Management of Conflict and Problem Solving (3)
The course investigates the biblical principles for preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts. Emphasis is given to developing personal attitudes and skills necessary for smooth conflict resolution. The course also identifies intervention resources and strategies in managing and resolving conflicts in churches and church organizations.
LEAD 662/762/862 Seminar in Church Financial Management (3)
This course covers theory and application of financial management systems and techniques in church and non-profit organizations. It seeks to enhance financial decision making skills through application of analytical concepts and decision techniques to a variety of situations. Particular attention is paid to basic accounting procedures, techniques for financial an analysis, investment in long-term assets, budgeting systems, cash management, risk management, and debt management.
LEAD 672/772/872 Seminar in the Management of Change (3)
Studies models of change and the minister/leader as change agents. Emphasis will be placed on sustaining change.
LEAD 682/782/882 Management in the Church and Church Organizations (3)
A study of the pastor’s management functions in the local church and/or church-related organizations. It includes topics such as strategic planning, relationships and community building, working with boards and committees, staffing and delegating responsibilities, and motivating and mobilizing lay members for ministry.
World Mission
MSSN 515 Introduction to Missions (3)
An introductory study of the theology of mission, the history of missions, various philosophies of mission including the Adventist philosophy and strategy of mission, and the strategic implementation of these in given cultural settings.
MSSN 585/685 Biblical Foundations of Ministry and Mission (3)
This course focuses on a study of the “Missio Dei” in both the Old and New Testaments. Emphasis is given to biblical and theological foundations of mission and how it can be applied to mission theory and practice today. The study of the biblical material will include such subjects as the call of Abraham, God’s covenant to bless the nations through Israel, and the Great Commission in Matthew and other relevant texts. Application of the biblical material will be made throughout the course to the church leader’s own unique ministry context (may be taken as CHMN 585/685).
MSSN 586/686/786 Techniques in Church Planting (3)
The course provides an overview of the entire church planting process. It discusses topics such as the need for church planting models, as well as basic plans for beginning a church plant. The course provides the needed criteria for the denomination to become a church planting movement, based on multiplication rather than addition. (Identical to CHMN 586/686/786.)
MSSN 605/705/805 Seminar in Missiological Problems (3)
A study of different issues confronting the modern missiologist, such as ecumenism, power encounters, polygamy, membership shrinkage, multicultural churches, moratorium, ancestor-worship, and closed countries.
MSSN 609/709/809 Seminar in Applied Theology Methods (3)
A discussion and illustration of principles and methods of study and research in the fields of mission and ministry, especially for students majoring in Applied Theology. A major paper is required, using selected methods from the discipline. (Identical to CHMN 609/709/809.)
MSSN 679/779/879 Spiritual Issues in Mission (3)
Key issues in mission are the person of the messenger, the core message, and the methods used in proclamation. These issues will be considered from a spiritual perspective with special emphasis on understanding and putting into practice the SDA recent new fundamental belief “Growing in Christ”. This course is intended for MA, DMin, and PhD students, but MDiv students may take this with a 600 level course content and requirements.
MSSN 790/890 Seminar in the Theology of Mission (3)
The seminar will cover hermeneutical issues that affect the theology of mission, as well as major biblical and systematic theological themes and their implications to the practice of mission. History, Culture, and Contextualization
MSSN 896 Seminar in _____ (Concentration) (3)
This seminar will address specific issues beyond the core mission courses that are appropriate to the cohort concentration, allowing students to apply biblical, theological, and missiological concepts to issues in mission from their context. Research applicable to the people group or mission emphasis will be included.
History, Culture and Contextualization
MSSN 520/620/720 History of Missions (3)
A study of the expansion of the Christian Church, its understanding of the missionary mandate, the methods it has employed, and the results of its missionary activities from the first century to the present. Special attention is given to the expansion of Christianity in Asia and to the development of missions in the Adventist Church. (Identical to CHIS 520/620.)
MSSN 577/677/777 Growing Disciples and Mission (3)
An exploration of the biblical basis for the organic reproduction of disciples and mission in both the Old and New Testament, and how God grows the church by growing people. Emphasis will be given throughout the course on practical principles which will inform and empower the local church pastor to grow new and established members in discipleship and mission. Replaces CHMN/MSSN 660 Principles and Procedures of Church Growth.
MSSN 578 Field Experience in Discipleship (1-2)
The course exposes students to personal and congregational discipleship models. They are also expected to develop skills on how to communicate and present the gospel individually and corporately in order to establish members in solid faith.
MSSN 607/707/807 Field Contextualization Seminar (3)
AIIAS is situated in a unique geographical and cultural crossroads that facilitates the research, observation and writing about the major religions, people groups and areas that surround it, especially those in the 10/40 window. This course is designed to combine academic research, field observation and written reflection concerning how to understand and more effectively witness to one or more geographical areas or world religions. The travel and other expenses associated with the field experience must be provided for by the student. Class size is limited.
MSSN 621/721/821 Seminar in Contextualization and Mission (3)
A study of a selected number of contemporary theological issues and concerns vital to the life and witness of the church.
MSSN 623/723/823 Mission and Religion in Modern/Postmodern Culture (3)
An analysis of approaches and models of missionary witness that engage the critical, intellectual, and religious issues of modern/postmodern culture.
MSSN 625/725/825 Revivals and Church Growth (3)
A study of spiritual revivals throughout history, with special attention to the setting, leaders, manifestations, and their impact on missions. A study of false revivals, conditions and preparation for the “Latter Rain” of the Holy Spirit. The course aims to prepare the student for mission service.
MSSN 630/730/830 Anthropology for Missions (3)
The principles and findings of anthropology applied to the task of the missionary, to facilitate cross-cultural communication. A study of the phenomenology of religion, with special attention to traditional religions.
MSSN 635/735/835 Ethnic Missions (3)
A study of historical, cultural, social, political, and economic factors affecting diverse ethnic groups with the goal of developing more effective evangelistic strategies. The course may focus on selected peoples of Asia.
MSSN 665/765/865 Urban Ministry and Mission (3)
This course focuses on the study of the city as the major center of mission and ministry in the twenty-first century. It examines the process of secularization, the complex human interaction in the city and how the pastor and his church can minister in the urban environment. Special emphasis will be given to a balanced evangelistic program that will lead to lifelong disciples and church planting.
MSSN 668/768/868 Development of Missions in the Adventist Church (3)
Development and expansion of Adventist missions from the very beginning of the Adventist Church up to the present situation.
MSSN 687/787/887 Seminar in the Strategy of Mission (3)
A seminary in strategies for church growth, evangelism, church planting, world evangelization, and development.
MSSN 727 Seminar in the History and Strategy of Mission (3)
An exploration of the key expansion and strategies of the church missionary movement from first century to the present. It will emphasize among others the biblical and theological principles of sharing the gospel to the world with a focus in studying and evaluating the different theories, models, and strategies in doing mission.
MSSN 731/831 Seminar in Worldview and Worldview Change (3)
A study of the nature and functions of worldview and the dynamics of worldview change. Special attention is given to Christian transformational change in worldview.
MSSN 770/870 Seminar in Modern/Postmodern Culture (3)
A seminar focusing on factors in the process of modernization and secularization, with a view to develop more effective mission approaches, with special emphasis on the Asian context.
World Religions
MSSN 513/613/713 Introduction to ______ (Specialty: Buddhism/Chinese religions/Islam/Secularism (3)
This course introduces the origin, history, and development of (Specialty: Buddhism/Chinese religions/Islam/Secularism). Special emphasis is given to the culture and faith practices of the people group in its variety of expressions. Practical application will be made for contemporary mission to the target people group. (Replaces MSSN 510, MSSN 511, and MSSN 512).
MSSN 530 Buddhist Culture and Society (3)
A study of the effects of Buddhism on the religious, social, health, economic, educational and political life in the 10/40 Window. It will also include how various human institutions including Christians have sought to influence Buddhists within the broader society. Practical applications will be made for contemporary mission to the revealed felt needs of Buddhists.
MSSN 531 Chinese Culture and Society (3)
An introduction to different approaches to understanding Chinese culture and an attempt to seek ways of dialogue between Christianity and Chinese culture with the aim of establishing an indigenous theological methodology.
MSSN 532 Islamic Culture and Society (3)
Ministering to Muslim women and their families (including husbands). Includes social structures, women and children, family life and law, rituals and ceremonies, female spirituality and discipleship.
MSSN 533/633/733 Folk Religions (3)
A biblical, theological, historical, anthropological, and sociological study of folk religions.
MSSN 540/640 World Religions (3)
A study of the development and beliefs of major world religions. Special consideration is given to their contemporary forms and settings, with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the religious experience of potential recipients of the gospel. (Identical to THST 540/640.)
MSSN 545/645 Islam and Christianity (3)
MSSN 550/650 Christian Denominations (3)
A historical, biblical, and missiological survey of the Roman Catholic Church and major Protestant denominations. A survey of other religious movements and organizations, with practical applications to the contemporary Asian reality.
MSSN 560 Authentic Biblical and Buddhist Spirituality (3)
A study of the essence of authentic spirituality and how it compares and contrasts with Christian and Buddhist theologies and practices. Special study will be given on how to make the Seventh-day Adventist faith and practice both experientially and rationally accessible to classic and folk Buddhist peoples including evil spirits and spiritual warfare.
MSSN 561 Authentic Biblical and Chinese Spirituality (3)
A study of the essence of authentic spirituality and how it compares and contrasts with Christian and Chinese theologies and practices. Special study will be given on how to make the Seventh-day Adventist faith and practice both experientially and rationally accessible to the Chinese peoples.
MSSN 562 Authentic Biblical and Islamic Spirituality (3)
Spirituality in the Muslim context – what are the similarities and differences between Muslim and Christian spirituality and how might we relate to this from a missiological perspective. This would include examining Sufism and various forms of mysticism as well as spiritual practice and thought of Muslims in their everyday life and appropriate Adventist responses. The influence of folk Muslim thought and the spirit world will also be explored.
MSSN 567/667 Buddhism and Christianity (3)
An analysis of the fundamental presuppositions and the various schools of thought within Buddhism from both the historical and contemporary perspective. The course explores Christian witnessing approaches to Buddhists in Asia.
MSSN 660/760/860 Seminar in Church Growth in World Mission (3)
A seminar in the major principles and missionary strategies for church growth with a worldwide perspective.
MSSN 672 Biblical Teachings and the Writings of Islam (3)
A comparative study of the Bible and the Qur’an and accompanying commentaries with the purpose of identifying common themes comparing the major themes in the respective sacred texts, exploring the Qur’an texts relating to common Muslim objections to biblical teaching and enveloping appropriate hermeneutical skills in handling respective sacred texts.
MSSN 673/773/873 Biblical Teachings & the Writings of _____ (Specialty: Buddhist/Chinese/Muslim/Secular philosophy) (3)
This course compares and contrasts biblical teachings to the writings of _____ (Specialty: Buddhist/Chinese/Muslim/Secular philosophy). Points of contact will be discussed between the respective sacred or philosophical texts and the Bible. The course will also explore different approaches to and teach a respectful interaction with the sacred or philosophical texts. (Replaces MSSN 670, MSSN 671, MSSN 672).
MSSN 683/783/883 Current Issues in _____ (Concentration) World I/II (3)
This course is an overview of current issues in the _____(concentration) world. It will examine emerging trends, relate them to the established Christian witness, and explore a fresh biblical response. Additionally, it will identify various groups and movements within the (concentration) world in order to discover and develop outreach opportunities. this course may be taken twice, indicated by successive Roman numerals (Replaces MSSN 680/780/880, MSSN 681/781/881, and MSSN 682/782/882).
MSSN 987/787/887 Seminar in the Strategy of Mission (3)
A seminar in strategies for church growth, evangelism, church planting, world evangelization, and development.