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History of the Christian Church


CHIS 511/611 History of the Early and Medieval Church (3)

An overview of the development of the Christian church from apostolic times to the Reformation, including the development of doctrines and liturgical practices; the self-understanding, mission, and expansion of the church; and the developing relationship between church and state.

CHIS 512/612 History of the Reformation and Modern Church (3)

An overview of the Christian church from the Reformation to present times, including the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, development of denominationalism, the Enlightenment and its influence upon Christian thought, and the influence of changing worldviews upon theology. Emphasis is given especially to factors which influenced the rise and development of the Adventist Church.

CHIS 520/620 History of Missions (3)

A study of the expansion of the Christian church, its understanding of the missionary mandate, the methods it has employed, and the results of its missionary activities from the first century to the present. Special attention is given to the expansion of Christianity in Asia and to the development of missions in the Adventist Church. (Identical to MSSN 520/620)

CHIS 517/617 Theology and Methodology of Church History (3)

A survey of representative philosophies of history from Plato to Cullmann, with emphasis on the Adventist understanding of a theology of history as reflected in the Bible, especially the books of Daniel and Revelation; and an introduction to methodology associated with a study of history,especially Christian history.

CHIS 604 Guided Study Tour of _______________ (3)

A guided tour of Reformation sites in Europe, with study assignments related to the sites being visited. This guided study tour may be repeated with different sites and different assignments.

History by Periods

CHIS 534/634/834 History of Luther, Calvin, and Wesley (3)

A study of the ministry and theological contributions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley, their respective historical and doctrinal contexts, and their influence, especially that of John Wesley, uponSeventh-day Adventism.

CHIS 621/821 History of the Early Church (3)

A study of the self-understanding, mission, and development of the Christian church from the apostolic century to the Council of Chalcedon in CE 451. This course includes a brief introduction to Patrology, with special consideration given to the doctrinal development of the church during the first five centuries.

CHIS 622/822 History of the Medieval Church (3)

A study of the self-understanding, mission, and development of the Christian church during the medieval period from the Council of Chalcedon in CE 451 to the beginning of the Reformation. The course considers the introduction of the great heresies into the church, the consequent dogmas, the rise of the papacy, the relationship between church and state, religious persecutions, and the longings for reformation among many Christians.

CHIS 623/823 History of the Reformation (3)

A study of the activities and beliefs of the Christian Church from the beginning of the Reformation in 1517 to the Wesleyan Revival and the beginnings of the Great Awakening in the late eighteenth century.

CHIS 624/824 History of the Modern Church (3)

A study of the activities and beliefs of the Christian church in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, emphasizing the theological roots of Adventist theology, and contemporary developments.


History of Christian Development and Expansion

CHIS 554/654/854 History of Christianity in Asia (3)

A study of Christian beginnings and development in the Middle East, and Central, Southern, and Eastern Asia, with consideration given to the establishment and development of the Adventist Church in these areas.

History of Christian Denominations

CHIS 501 Spirit of Prophecy (2)

An introductory study of the life, ministry, and writings of Ellen G. White, with emphasis on her prophetic gift and her contributions in the formation and the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

CHIS 563/663/863 History and Theology of the Roman Catholic Church (3)

A study of the history and theology of the Roman Catholic Church from its earliest beginnings between the fourth and sixth centuries to its post-Vatican II developments, with particular emphasis on the rise, development, and progress of the papacy. Appropriate consideration is given to the main dogmas of the Church, and to the world strategy of the papacy and its prophetic significance.

CHIS 570/670 History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (3)

A study of the history of the Adventist Church from its nineteenth-century Millerite roots, its organization and reorganization, the development of its missionary understanding and activities, to its present worldwide expansion.

CHIS 665 History of Evangelicalism (3)

A study of the causes and results of Christian evangelicalism such as revivals among the Anabaptists, Puritans, and Methodists; the Great Awakening; Millerism and the Adventist Revival; the “prayer meeting” revival; the Anglo-American revival; and the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.


History of Christian Doctrines

CHIS 572/672/872 Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology and Lifestyle (3)

A study of the early beginnings and historical development of characteristic Adventist teachings such as the sanctuary, the Sabbath, biblical eschatology, conditional immortality, prophetism, healthful living, and tithing, with emphasis on holy living based upon righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ.

CHIS 574/674/874 The Life, Work, and Writings of Ellen G. White (3)

A study of the life, work, and writings of Ellen G. White, with emphasis on the historical, cultural, and social context in which she wrote, and the interpretation and application of her writings to modern times on the basis of sound interpretive principles.

CHIS 581/681/881 History/Doctrine of the Sabbath (3)

A biblical and historical survey of the Sabbath doctrine from creation to the consummation, with special emphasis on its relationship to the work of God’s remnant people and its eschatological significance. The course includes a review of the history and doctrinal significance of the observance of the first day of the week. (Identical to THST 532/632/832.)


Seminars in Church History

CHIS 555/655 Interdepartmental Colloquium and Forum (1–3)

This course is designed to sharpen skills in Biblical, Theological- Historical, and Applied Theological Studies through academic presentations and participation in colloquia and forum meetings.

CHIS 609/809 Seminar in Theological-Historical Studies Methods (3)

See THST 609/809 for course description.

CHIS 685/885 Seminar in Church History (3)

A seminar on selected issues in church history. This seminar may be repeated for credit with different issues. A major paper is required.


Christian Philosophy

CHPH 515/615 History of Philosophy (3)

An overview of ancient, medieval, and modern Western philosophers and philosophical systems, with emphasis on the development of prominent philosophical perspectives, their proponents, and their influence on theology.

CHPH 517/617 Principles of Christian Ethics (3)

A study of the process of ethical decision making illustrated in the application of biblical principles to contemporary personal, social, and professional issues of special significance to Adventists.

CHPH 584/684/884 Issues in Science and Religion (3)

A study of the relationship of scientific information and theories to biblical revelation. This course includes discussion of theories of origins, geological time, uniformitarianism and catastrophism, organic evolution and organization of the fossil records, fixity and change, the biblical flood, the extinction of species, and the relevance of the doctrine of creation. (Identical to PHHM 684.)

CHPH 672/872 Philosophy: An Adventist Perspective (3)

A critical comparison of secular systems of Western philosophy and Christian and educational thought, with special reference to the Seventhday Adventist Church and the writings of Ellen White. This course is based on an extensive survey of secular philosophical documents and consideration of theological, educational, and practical issues arising from the readings. Position/reaction papers and extensive discussion allow students to explore the Adventist perspective. (Identical to EDUC 740.)

CHPH 673/873 Asian Philosophy and Christian Thought (3)

A study of major Asian philosophers and philosophical traditions, such as Animism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, in the light of the biblical worldview.

CHPH 686/886 Philosophy of Religion (3)

A study of philosophical issues and approaches common to philosophy and religion including arguments for the existence of God; the meaning of and language about God; and the origin, meaning, and purpose of life.


Christian Theology


THST 510 Introduction to Christian Doctrines (3)

An overview of basic biblical doctrines, including the doctrine of Revelation and Inspiration, the doctrine of God, doctrine of man, the doctrine of Christ, and the doctrine of salvation. This course covers doctrinal beliefs which Adventists share with one or more other Christian denominations.

THST 604 Guided Study Tour of _______________ (3)

A guided tour of Reformation sites in Europe, with study assignments related to the sites being visited. This guided study tour may be repeated with different sites and different assignments.


Deity and Salvation

THST 511/611/811 Revelation, Inspiration, and Prophetic Guidance (3)

A study of how God reveals Himself and His will to man. This course deals with revelation and its media, inspiration, and the authenticity, historicity, and authority of the Bible. Special consideration is also given to a study of the gift of prophecy as a biblical phenomenon and as a spiritual gift to the church manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White to the Adventist Church.

THST 512/612/812 Doctrine of God (3)

A study of evidences of the existence of God, the attributes and character of God, and His relationship to the world, which includes consideration of divine foreknowledge and human freedom, predestination, providence, and the Trinity.

THST 515/615/815 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (3)

A study of biblical teachings concerning the Holy Spirit, including the deity, personhood, fruit, gifts, and work of the Spirit, especially His work in the plan of redemption.

THST 516/616/816 Doctrine of Christ (3)

A study of the unique person of Christ. His preexistence and incarnation through the virgin birth; His divinity and humanity and the relationship between them; the meaning and implications of His life, death, and resurrection; His role in human salvation; and the Christian experience of salvation, focusing on the relationship between justification and sanctification.

THST 518/618/818 Doctrine of Salvation (3)

A study of the Christian experience of salvation, focusing on the nature and consequences of sin, the meaning and means of salvation, and the relationship between law and grace, justification and sanctification.

THST 519/619/819 Doctrine of the Sanctuary (3)

A study of the present session of Christ at the right hand of God and his work in the heavenly sanctuary. Special emphasis is placed on His work of mediation and judgment as typified in the OT sacrificial and priestly system with emphasis on the Israelite sanctuary.


Man and the Church

THST 520/620/820 Doctrine of Man (3)

A survey of biblical anthropology which includes themes such as the creation of man in the image of God; the nature of man; the fall; hamartiology or the nature, imputation, and effects of sin; the restoration of God’s likeness in man; the nature of death; the intermediate state; the doctrine of resurrection; and the restoration of immortality to man.

THST 522/622/822 Doctrine of the Church (3)

A study of the people of God in the Old and New Testaments, including God’s calling of His people; His covenant relationship and dealings with them; the meaning, nature, privileges, responsibilities, organization, functions, and mission of the church; the theological concept of the visible and invisible church; and the Remnant Church and its identifying marks.


Seventh-day Adventist Studies

THST 501 Adventist Doctrines (2)

An introductory study of the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The course surveys Adventist doctrines as a whole, but special emphasis is put upon the distinctive doctrines of the Adventist Church such as the Spirit of Prophecy, the Remnant, the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast, the Three Angels’ Messages, and the Pre-Advent Investigative Judgment.

THST 531/631/831 Distinctive Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (3)

A study of doctrines in which the Adventist Church offers relevant contributions to a theological understanding of the Bible, such as the mediatorial ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, the antitypical significance of the Day of Atonement, the pre-advent investigative phase of the judgment, the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14, the eschatological remnant, the gift of prophecy, the unmasking of spiritualism, and the message of health reform.

THST 532/632/832 Doctrine/History of the Sabbath (3)

A biblical and historical survey of the doctrine of the Sabbath from creation to the consummation, with special emphasis on its relationship to the work of God’s remnant people and its eschatological significance. The course includes a review of the history and doctrinal significance of the observance of the first day of the week. (Identical to CHIS 581/681.)

THST 533/633/833 Christian Eschatology (3)

A study of last-day events as presented in significant eschatological passages of the Old and New Testaments including, among others, Daniel 2, 7-12, Matthew 24, and Revelation 13-22; and an overview of primary Christian systems of eschatological interpretation.


Modern Theology

THST 540/640 World Religions (3)

A study of the development and beliefs of major world religions. Special consideration is given to their contemporary forms and settings, with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the religious experience of potential recipients of the gospel. (Identical to MSSN 540/640.)

THST 642/842 Contemporary Theology (3)

A study of major trends in nineteenth- and twentieth-century theology, from Liberalism to Neo-orthodoxy, and from higher or historical criticism to atheism; and a review of the works, teachings, and influence of such creative theologians as Schleiermacher, Barth, Bultmann, and Brunner, among others, viewed against the background of Adventist theology. 


Methods and Seminars in Theological Studies

THST 555/655 Interdepartmental Colloquium and Forum (1–3)

This course is designed to sharpen skills in Biblical, Theological- Historical, and Applied Theological Studies through academic presentations and participation in colloquia and forum meetings.

THST 609/809 Seminar in Theological-Historical Studies Methods (3)

A discussion and illustration of principles and methods of study and research in the fields of Theological and Historical Studies, especially for students majoring in Theological-Historical Studies. A major paper is required, using selected methods from the discipline.

THST 651/851 Principles and Methods of Theology (3)

A study of the nature, function, purpose, methods, and practice of constructive theological activity, and the role of theology in the life of the church.

THST 685/885 Seminar in Christian Theology (3)

       A seminar on selected issues in Christian theology. This seminar may be repeated for credit with different issues. A major paper is required.