AIIAS opens a Summer Institute for teachers. Regular courses will be taught from March 23 to April 24. “This is a program for teachers of any subject matter and any age level,” says Dr. Prema Gaikwad, Chair of the Education Department.
The program allows student to enroll for 6 credits of coursework but it is possible to earn up to 9 credits for completing the work during the summer term and an additional 3 credits based upon follow-up work in the classroom or school.
“This is a good opportunity for professionals who wanted to have continuing education experience,” continues Dr. Gaikwad.
The Summer Institute covers what is called ‘research-based teaching practice” that will provide students with effective instruction resulting in increased student achievement.
See more details of the courses and fees of the Summer Institute program or download the brochure.
Only limited number of students will be accomodated in the program. For more details, please contact