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Strategic Enrollment Management

What is Strategic Enrollment Management?

Strategic enrolment management (SEM) is a process of setting enrolment goals that reflect an institution’s mission, goals, and strategic direction. Through the coordination of core disciplines such as student recruitment, admissions, records, student services, academic program, and marketing, SEM aims to make enrolment growth and stability something that is predictable and planned for, rather than reactionary and unplanned. SEM plan will be data-informed and highly collaborative, integrating insights and input from those who affect and are affected by AIIAS’ enrolment, including students, faculty, staff, institutional leaders, schools, departments and committees.

What is the Process?

SEM gives AIIAS a concrete way to assess these considerations and build them into the enrollment process, student recruitment, marketing, tuition and financial aid, academic portfolio offerings, and student support services. The continuous process of planning, executing, and monitoring institutional milestones provides schools with a way to achieve their goals while regularly reflecting on the full impact of measures taken.

Overview of Strategic Enrollment Management for AIIAS

The Different Stages in Developing a SEM Plan

Enrollment Reports

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