
Empowering People and Communicating the Gospel through Challenging Times for a Better Normal

Every November AIIAS holds two significant higher education research conferences. These call in the interests of both experienced and beginning researchers, who attend plenary presentations that are conceptual, practical, and enhance deeper understanding in the area of methodologies. They also allow for selected scholars to present their own research findings.


Held virtually, this year’s research events at AIIAS have allowed scholars from across the globe to access the conferences as the seminary and the graduate school have respectively hosted the Theological Forum, and the International Conference on Business, Education, and Public Health.


Theological Forum

The 24th Annual Theological Forum took place on November 11-13, 2021, exploring studies centered on the theme “Message, Media, and Mission: Communicating the Gospel in the Pandemic and Other Challenging Times.” Experts from around the world shared from their global perspectives. Invited presenters included Marcelo Dias, professor of applied theology from the University of São Paulo, Brazil; Wagner Kuhn, professor of world mission from Andrews University, USA; Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, Inc.; Gary D. Krause, associate secretary, and Adventist Mission director at the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters in Maryland, USA; and G.T. Ng, former executive secretary of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church headquartered in Maryland, USA.


Theological forum topics included the following topics: pandemic-induced challenges as opportunities to develop the church’s reach, the relevance of focusing on media ministry audience and message recipients, the idea of developing sermons on practical theology, and the current state of Adventist media ministry. The programming also included testimonies from missionaries all over the world.


International Conference on Business, Education, and Public Health


The 22nd International Conference on Business, Education, and Public Health met from November 15-17, 2021. The chosen theme, “Empowering People for a Better Normal,” invited scholarly contributions designed to address the fast-changing course of research in higher education. Experts graced the occasion, which was equipped with a full range of sessions focused on one central goal: to empower people and organizations.


Invited keynote speakers included leaders from the Seventh-day Adventist Church headquarters in Maryland, USA: Ella Smith Simmons, general vice president; Hudson Kibuuka, associate director of the education department; and Paul Douglas, treasurer. Their presentations addressed topics such as: development through leadership and relationships for organizational recovery, resiliency, and growth; the processes and benefits of empowering human beings for a better future; and developing organizational resilience through a culture of risk preparedness.


Because conducting research is a primary academic requirement for graduation, the international conference also hosted a three-day research seminar. Sessions were taught by Jimmy Kijai, a retired professor of research and statistical methodology at Andrews University in Michigan, U.S.A., and Ronny Kountur, professor in PPM School of Management in Jakarta, Indonesia. Their presentations addressed enhancing the quality of social science research, factors to consider when submitting scholarly works for publication, and how to deal with challenges encountered by researchers.


Related to the themes of the two events, students and faculty of AIIAS and other institutions presented their research during the concurrent sessions, rounding out the diversity of programmatic offerings at the conferences.


The yearly academic conferences are highly-anticipated activities in the life of AIIAS scholars.


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— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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