
Business Department Hosts Seminar on Christ’s Method of Management

Christ’s Method of Management series is a constituent program of the Business department.


The idea emerged during the AIIAS Business Club (ABC) 2018 leadership. The series of seminars took place on December 5-8, 2018 at the AIIAS Amphitheater with the main idea of introducing business concepts integrated with biblical principles in a society whose perception of business is about money-making.


Professors from the business department shared their expertise as speakers of the forum.


The first presentation was entitled “Accounting Dilemma: What Would Jesus Do?” by Dr. LeRoy Ruhupatty. His topic was focused on how accounting malpractices take place in an organization and how to deal with them.


Professor Raimond Luntungan presented on “Managing Technology: a Christian Perspective.” He pointed out that technology is a tool that, if well used, can bring a blessing to communities, but when wrongly used, could bring tragedies.


Dr. Eric Nasution presented about “Christ—Oriented Money Management.” His lecture focused on the basics of saving and living beyond one’s means.


The last presentation was presented by Dr. Kenneth Swansi, business department chair. His topic was about “Strategic Planning for Good Stewardship” he highlighted that an idle resource is a sin. He emphasized that good stewards use what God has entrusted to them.


The AIIAS community of administrators, faculty, staff, and students participated and gave feedback that the program was timely and informative. The ABC is preparing a new series of seminars similar to Christ’s Method of Management for 2019. Visit for further announcements.

— Edivaldo Abel, AIIAS MBA Student


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