
NSD President Focuses on Mission and Faith

Pastor Si Young Kim, president of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists, inspired the AIIAS community through a message entitled “Wall of Fire” during the chapel program held on May 2, 2018.


His dynamic message focused on the scripture found in the second chapter of Zechariah, as well as on missionary work, ministry, and faith.


Kim shared the story of a Korean pastor, his wife, and young twin daughters serving in Tanzania for more than six years. Praising the Lord in all circumstances, despite living in a tent without a wall, not having all the resources for a comfortable life, having their home torn down while receiving threats of harm, and not having any friends who are near to support them, the family still chose to stay and continue on with their ministry. The family sought refuge in the Lord and in the Bible that constantly reminded them ‘not to worry because the Lord will be a wall of fire around them’. Years later, their ministry was blessed with the construction of an Adventist church school and ongoing life of service in the mission field.


“Once God promised, “I will be your wall of fire. I will grant you abundant blessings.” elaborated Kim. “With that promise, let us go forward with the mission that the Lord has given to us.”


Kim also spoke about his experience while working in the English language school. He talked about gathering young people and professionals to learn more about Jesus Christ through a Bible camp meeting in cooperation with other pastors. Despite being met with uncertainties of having no one to attend the camp meeting due to the influence of materialism and secularism in society, the Bible camp was successful in having over 1000 attendees, with 600 being non-Adventists who were interested to learn about Jesus Christ. A number of these attendees were also baptized.


Kim urged the AIIAS community to go out participating in ministry with the mission of the Lord. Also, to not be discouraged despite circumstances and to keep moving forward by faith for God will work mightily through those that serve Him.


Si Young Kim is an AIIAS graduate of the Doctor of Ministry with a Missions emphasis. He has worked as a publishing house director, conference youth director, hospital chaplain, as the director for the 1000 Missionary Movement, and at the NSD Office in various capacities as Adventist Mission coordinator, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director, Pioneer Mission Movement coordinator, and North-Korea Mission director.

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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