The 18th AIIAS Theological Forum from Nov 12 – 14 focused on Ellen White’s life and contributions to the Adventist Church. Presentations reaffirmed White’s role as a prophet and established her relevance in our times.
This gathering of scholars and church leaders was an opportunity for a consensus statement on position on Ellen White in the church.
“This conference is designed to initiate conversations between Ellen White scholars, historians, religion teachers, students, and lay people.” Dr. Stephen Guptill, president of AIIAS wrote in his welcome letter. “The roster of speakers for this year reads as a “who’s who” list of Ellen White scholars from around the world.”
Experts on church history as well as Ellen White’s life and writings presented research findings. Dr. George R. Knight, the keynote speaker, began the reflection with a presentation focusing on the new approaches of an old prophet. Over 30 international speakers included keynote speaker Dr. George R. Knight, and a host of specialists in Ellen White Studies including Merlin Burt (Andrews University), Alberto Timm (Ellen G. White Estate), Gerald & Chantal Klingbeil (Adventist Review/Ellen G. White Estate), Larry Lichtenwalter (Middle East College), Jiri Moskala (Andrews University), Clinton Wahlen (Biblical Research Institute), Elias Brasil de Souza (Biblical Research Institute), and Ekkehardt Mueller (Biblical Research Institute) among others.
“It was really great to interact with experts on Ellen White,” said a religion teacher who wishes to remain anonymous. “It gave me the chance to ask questions in an open kind of setting.”
The relationship between Ellen White writings and the youth and millennials among other important research was presented. Among the over 500 attendees were university students from four Adventist colleges around the Philippines. Church leaders, pastors, teachers, and laypersons also attended.
“The forum helped people gain a better understanding of Ellen White, understanding she was a very human medium that God used to deliver counsels to the church,” said a theology student from the Adventist University of the Philippines. “It will also help use her writings in the delivery and interaction with Christians.”
Another highlight was having books from Andrews University Press available to purchase. Many of these resources are unavailable in this part of the world.
In 2014, the only Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office in Asia opened on the AIIAS campus. It has provided primary resources to further research within the church.
To view the whole program including the abstract of each paper and the speaker’s biographies, click here.
By: Ingrid Oberholster
AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing