It is not easy to be a good professional in our days. Many lack the background and the skills to face the challenges of this day. New approaches and techniques are constantly developing; unprecedented movements emerge; circumstances change abruptly.
This calls for continuing personal and professional growth. Equipping students with the necessary tools to become independent in this arduous task is one of the primordial goals in the Graduate School as we educate teachers, administrators, men and women in business, and health professionals.
Even of greater concern for us is to deliver education that promotes Bible-based values, ethics, principles and practice in all professions. We believe that integrating this understanding into the every-day work (whether denominational or not) is the best way to perform highly and to be of best service.
If you are interested in thorough and affordable education within a Christian perspective, the Graduate School at AIIAS is a place to explore.
Cordially yours,
William Green