Master of Public Health (MPH) with emphases in
Health Ministry
Health Promotion
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
The MPH is offered in three modes: On-campus, Online, and at Distance Learning Centers.
The philosophy of the Public Health Department is based on Christian biblical health principles. Humankind as whole beings with physical, emotional, social, ecological, and spiritual dimensions, are created and redeemed as whole persons. While scientific inquiry is important in achieving the whole person’s health, the Public Health Department considers that health, disease, and healing dynamics are determined, to a large extent by adherence or non-adherence to God’s moral and natural laws. Redemption by Jesus Christ brings healing and transformation of lifestyles for a longer and higher quality of life.
Develop leaders to serve and transform society through evidence-based public health practice and Bible-based lifestyle principles.
An internationally recognized model for Christian public health graduate education.
The MPH graduate:
1. Addresses ecological determinants of health
2. Involves multi-sectors in health programs
3. Develops appropriate community-based health improvement programs
4. Addresses health issues throughout the life cycle
5. Works together with the community in assessing, planning, developing, and evaluating health promotion interventions
6. Applies theories and models in lifestyle improvement/health behavior change interventions
7. Prepares community for environmental emergencies
8. Employs effective disaster management strategies
9. Conducts health research
10. Communicates effectively one to one and to the community
11. Uses mass media in health communications, and
12. Wholistically integrates scientific knowledge and the Bible
The MPH program requires a total of 240 hours of Field Learning Internship experience for those who do not choose a thesis as their culminating experience.
FLI consists of practical field experience where the student works as an intern, doing a variety of tasks, in a variety of health-related settings. Internship activities will be chosen to complement and broaden the student’s learning experiences, as they work directly with or under health professionals in new or ongoing health programs, activities or facilities as part of the team. Prerequisite: all MPH course work successfully completed.
The Field Learning Internship Advisor (FLIA) will plan and supervise the field learning internship placement, activities and expectations for every enrolled student. MPH students will work with, and possibly under the direction of experienced health professionals as mentors in five different pre-identified areas: (1) Adventist Church Conference/Division/Union “Health Ministries” department offices, (2) adopted community, under the Community Research and Service Coordinator; (3) government and non-government health or health-related agencies; (4) hospital, rehabilitation center and/or wellness clinic/center; (5) AIIAS Health TV & Internet Program.
For DLC and Online students, the FLIA will plan and coordinate the field learning internship placement, activities, and expectations as follows: Students will initially choose and suggest particular place(s) in each of the pre-identified areas accordingly, and send all necessary contact information. The FLIA will send the request for collaborative efforts in making a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with all identified organizations/companies. Field learning internship can only be approved by the FLIA after everything have been fully agreed upon between all parties.
There will be a minimum of 240 clock hours (strictly workplace hours) of field internship activities, and must be completed for a minimum of ten weeks, eight hours per day, typically from Monday to Wednesday. The rest of the week will be utilized for planning administrative aspects of the internship including the writing of reports.
DLC and Online MPH students, who are unable to follow any of the above-outlined procedure to complete the internship hours, may place a written request for variation of these arrangements. Internship can only be started after the requested alternative procedure is fully agreed upon and approved by the FLIA.
Students are expected to work cooperatively and harmoniously with the FLIA and designated officers and health professional(s) in each assigned area. The students should understand the health promotion or education program(s) being implemented, be properly prepared for their roles, and contribute responsibly and professionally. Students must maintain proper professionalism and ethics in all their dealings with members of the community. It is expected that students will demonstrate care and empathy for the public.
The detailed information, guidelines, and report of the Field Learning Internship can be read in the MPH Handbook, available from the academic advisor.
The comprehensive examination is a requirement for the MPH degree non-thesis option. General Graduate School comprehensive examination procedures are outlined on page 64 of AIIAS Bulletin. Additional guidelines that are specific to the Public Health Department may be obtained from the MPH Handbook available from the academic advisor.
The master’s thesis is one of the two options for the culminating activity in the MPH program. Students selecting the thesis option must enroll for and pass Research Methods and Academic Writing classes before registering for the MPH Thesis. The thesis must follow the procedures for research of the Graduate School, and the following additional guidelines:
Assistant Professor
Department Chair, Public Health
Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Education & Practice, Lifestyle Education, Public Health
Health Promotion/Education
Preventive Health Care/Nutrition