You will find AIIAS to be a place where personal faith is strengthened, biblical understanding sharpened, and a sense of mission embraced.
The Master of Arts in Religion program is intended for persons wishing to obtain an academic degree in religion at the master’s level, with a concentration in some field of religious studies. It is designed primarily for students who wish to qualify themselves for teaching religion.
The Master of Theology program offers a third-level degree in theology and is similar to the Doctor of Philosophy in Religion (PhD). It is intended for MDiv or MA-R graduates with a strong academic orientation who wish to become specialists in Applied Theology, Biblical Studies, or Historical-Theological Studies.
The PhD in Religion program is an advanced academic degree. Its primary purpose is to prepare teachers, scholars, and researchers for institutions of higher learning, particularly related to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The Graduate Certificate in Ministry is a practice-oriented program for future ministers and lay members in church leadership by providing skills in ministry to a range of contexts for professional practice.
The Master of Arts in Church Ministry is a professional degree program designed for people who plan to enter or upgrade in pastoral ministry.
The Master of Divinity is a professional degree designed to prepare and upgrade pastors, Bible workers, and chaplains.
The Master of Arts in Ministry – Intercultural Studies is a missiological degree focusing on training church pastors and leaders to minister in the 10/40 Window. This is a cohort-based, in-ministry program.
The Doctor of Ministry is a professional degree program primarily designed to serve the needs of pastors, mission executives, church leaders, and other ministry professionals.
The Doctor of Missiology/Doctor of Intercultural Studies program is a combined academic and professional degree to equip pastors, mission leaders/teachers, administrators, and other ministry professionals with advanced cross-cultural mission skills.
A study of the biblical foundation and historical background of Christian worship with attention to principles, plans, methods, and resources for worship.
Developing competent leaders and scholars with a solid biblical foundation who exhibit clear scriptural thinking and practice, relevant to the needs of a global church.
Developing leaders who carefully relate biblical truth and historical insights within the context of a deep experience of God’s grace and reflect in an integrative way on Christian theology and its implications for the spiritual and moral life of the believers.
Dean, Graduate School
Secretary to the Dean
Secretary, Applied Theology Department
Associate Editor
Secretary, Biblical Studies and Theological-Historical Studies Department
Telephone Number: (+63) (46) 414-4340