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Master of Arts in Religion


The MA-R program is intended for persons wishing to obtain an academic degree in religion at the master’s level, with a concentration in some field of religious studies. It is designed primarily for students who wish to qualify themselves for teaching religion.

The MA-R also prepares the student for entrance into the PhD or MTh program. Because of this, care has been taken to provide an academically demanding curriculum, including a thesis or comprehensive exams. The academic departments will carefully screen applicants, giving special attention to the student’s demonstrated academic ability.

Areas of Study

The MA-R degree is offered in the following areas of concentration:

  • Biblical Languages
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament

Specialized Research

The specialized research option is designed to prepare the student for further studies at the doctoral level (PhD) by writing and successfully defending a thesis.

Comprehensive Research

The Comprehensive Research is geared towards professional careers and/or teaching at the undergraduate and college levels. This option includes six additional semester credits from the student’s area of study and two comprehensive examinations. 

Admission Requirements

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree in religion or its equivalent from a recognized institution, or 72 semester hours in religion with any baccalaureate degree or its equivalent.
  2. A minimum GPA of 3.00 on a four-point scale.
  3. Demonstrated proficiency in English.
  4. Three satisfactory recommendations showing strong potential for academic development and service.  The recommendations should come from a former teacher or work supervisor, a pastor, and other church leader.
  5. A written statement (500-600 words) of purpose for graduate study in the MA-R program. 


MA-R applicants are required to demonstrate proficiency in both Greek and Hebrew grammar readings by taking proficiency exams at first availability in the schedule. The minimum pass for the Grammar level is 73%. The passing grade for the Reading level is 83%. AIIAS Seminary offers proficiency exams for Hebrew and Greek before the beginning of each semester. Students with a concentration other than Biblical Studies will choose only one reading prerequisite.

Program Requirements

Complete a total of 42 semester hours by completing courses at the 600 level with a cumulative GPA of not less than 3.00 for graduation. Each area of concentration requires the successful completion of the following courses:

Program Structure








Culminating Phase






Complete the following two courses:

GSEM 608 Advanced Methods of Teaching Bible


OTST/NTST 612 Biblical Hermeneutics


Complete one of the following courses:

GSEM 630 Documentary Research and Writing

GSEM 600 Applied Theology Research and Writing




Complete six concentration courses:

Taken from the area of concentration, these should include seminars. For concentrations in the Biblical Studies Department the six courses should be primarily exegesis courses and seminars.



Complete three concentration courses:

May be chosen from an area different than the concentration

Culminating Phase

Complete one research option:

Specialized Research

MA-R thesis

Comprehensive Research

Two courses & two comprehensive examinations from the area of concentration



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