
Academy Science Fair Showcases the Use of Sustainable Science Through Renewing Energy

The AIIAS Academy Science Fair 2019 is based on the theme “Sustainable Science Through Renewable Energy.” Students from kindergarten to 12th grade showcased various projects with the importance of using natural resources suitable for renewing energy.


The students started to assemble their projects in November of 2018 as part of their curriculum. Various projects showed that energy can be produced from sources such as solar, water, fire, heat, body, plants, recycled trash, and wind. Some projects involved the use of food and common household materials that if used correctly can produce energy.


The science fair on January 29, 2019 also related the theme to a secondary theme, “Savior Through Redemption”.


“Sustainable science is one of the trending subjects in the world out there because we would like to have our energy being maintained and kept as a resource for the future generation. We as a Seventh-day Adventist school would like to relate it with our faith-based theme. We need a Saviour to be redeemed just like how we need sustainable science for the future,” responded Mr. Ranjith Kingston, AIIAS Academy teacher and chairman for Science Fair Committee.


The criteria for judging included creative ability, originality, scientific thought, presentation, and knowledge by showing a clear understanding of the project. Majority of the projects were supported by adequate facts and reliable sources of information.


The students were given ample time to explain their project to judges who were selected from the graduate students, professors, and staff of AIIAS. Below are what some judges had to say:


“The kids really tried their best to do the projects. They are very creative and some are really good at presenting and in defending the questions we asked. Some children who were more vocal presented very well and impressed us. The concepts were well thought of and are very relevant to this course of time,” said Dr. Gimilyn Wa-Mbaleka, representative judge for Kindergarten to 3rd Grade.


“I’m very much impressed to see their work. Their creativity and originality showed that these children are growing intellectually and especially that they recognize and acknowledge that God is their scientist first,” shared Carol Linda Kingston, representative judge for grades 7 to 12.


“I see that the school is really producing scientist. I think our future is bright because this group of children are scientists in the making. The new ideas that I saw like hydroponic energy should be propelled for many people to use especially in areas where there are no large spaces or enough land. The school has helped to enhance the children’s creativity by using biblical applications into their projects,” commented Dr. Alaisa Mbiriri, representative judge for grades 4 to 6.

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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