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AIIAS and Hope Channel Ties for TV Outreach

AIIAS is now home to the National Broadcast Center of the Hope Channel Philippines. This allows the gospel to be broadcasted throughout Asia via satellite and the Internet from AIIAS campus. This center is where the programs are currently being recorded and broadcasted throughout the nation.

“We certainly want to rejoice with all of our Adventist Philippine community over this wonderful occasion where we can celebrate Hope Channel Philippines,” announced Dr. Stephen Guptill, AIIAS President, on Saturday morning, October 15, 2016, during the Hope Channel Philippines convention held at AIIAS Church. Adding to the significance of the event, attendees were thrilled to learn about a new coin release commemorating the milestone, a symbolic tribute to the channel’s impact on faith-based broadcasting in the region.

A memorandum of agreement has been signed earlier this year which allowed Hope Channel Philippines’ main production studio to use the Media Center, a facility owned by the AIIAS campus.

“I know that it is an honor for AIIAS to host the Hope Channel here at AIIAS. We’ve been praying for this for so many years… We just praise God together that this has come to reality,” said Dr. Guptill.

Hope Channel Philippines launched the uplink to a new satellite called GSat, also known as Global Satellite, the footprint of satellites across Asia. This satellite allows direct television viewing across the Philippines and various countries including China, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Pakistan.

Nelson Paulo, President of Hope Channel Philippines, stated, “We continue to pray that we will be able to address the need of the 10/40 window in the Southern Asia Pacific Regions.”

The 10/40 window located 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator has the highest level of socioeconomic challenges and the very least access to the gospel message.

“I believe what Jesus said that this gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations and then the end will come,” said Dr. Derek Morris, President of Hope Channel International. “God is preparing a way for everyone to hear forth the gospel to go to the whole world so that soon Jesus will come. Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

Hope Channel is a Christian television network with more than 40 channels around the world. It gives individuals the ability to share God’s ministry through music, testimonies, discussions, and spreading the word of God by means of media.

Photo credit: Benjamin Chay

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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