
AIIAS Inaugurates Seminary Building Extension

The AIIAS Theological Seminary along with the community inaugurated its building extension with a ceremony today. The new facility holds three faculty offices, a resource room, secretarial cubicles and a chapel with seating capacity of 120 people.


AIIAS President Dr. Stephen Guptill, Seminary Dean Dr. Richard Sabuin, Donor Representative Cedric Lanchenal, Student Representative Budi Hartanto, and Architect Augustine Dela Paz cut the ribbon together symbolizing the official opening.


The community then gathered in the chapel for a session of praise beginning with a song of praise. Dr. Sabuin and his family then sang a special song.


“God and God alone. That’s the reason for this building. That’s the reason for this Seminary. That’s the reason why we are each here,” remarked Dr. Guptill before more than 150 people who filled the chapel to capacity. “This is an exciting moment for AIIAS and for all who have been a part of the project.” He also mentioned important individuals who were responsible for the ‘beautiful building.’


The physical look of the chapel provides a spiritual, open atmosphere. A high ceiling gives the room a spacious feel. The prominent Good Shepherd metal artwork is at the front of the room. The stained glass windows provide color and light.


Seminary Dean, Dr. Richard Sabuin extended appreciation to all the donors who have made this building possible. Some of the gold donors include AIIAS, Felix Tanny Family, Jonathan & Kathleen Kuntaraf, Wu Shuhui, Liang Chenghui, Paul Hadi and the Korean AIIAS Alumni Association.


“God is the source of the funds, and they have become the channel of these resources,” Dr. Sabuin gladly concluded by unfolding a scroll with the words ‘Praise the Lord’ printed on the reverse side.


A litany of praise by the congregation was led by the Vice President for Academic Administration Dr. Dolf Oberholster. A group picture was then taken, birds were released, and light refreshments followed.


The new extension building, measuring 450 sq. meters and costing $80,000, took approximately six months to build.

Dr. Stephen Guptill, AIIAS President, takes time to appreciate the people who made this extension a reality.

Students and staff join together in a litany of praise.

 Students and staff join together in a litany of praise.

Representatives release birds after a group picture was taken.

For more pictures, please visit our Facebook page:


By: Ingrid Oberholster

AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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