
AIIAS Welcomes New Faculty

AIIAS delights to announce the arrival of two new faculty: Dr. Godwin Nwadibia Aja, a professor and the new chairperson of the Public Health Department of the AIIAS Graduate School and his wife, Dr. Victoria Tayo Aja, who will be serving as an assistant professor in the Applied Theology Department of the AIIAS Theological Seminary.


Drs. Godwin and Victoria have come from Nigeria and they have officially been welcomed to be a part of the growing AIIAS family.


Godwin Aja has a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree from Loma Linda University School of Public Health, California, and a master’s degree in Community Health from the University of Calabar, Nigeria. He previously served as a professor and head of the Department of Public Health at Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Nigeria. He is taking the place of Dr. Cesar Galvez, the former chairperson of the AIIAS Public Health Department.


Victoria Aja also served as the director of Chaplaincy as well as an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies from the same university. They are blessed with two daughters, Ezinne, a PhD student in Molecular Genetics at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California; and Joyce, who is completing her Master of Science degree in Cell Biology and Genetics from University of Lagos, Nigeria.

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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