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AIIAS Welcomes New Theological Seminary Faculty

AIIAS is pleased to announce the arrival of the new faculty member in Applied Theology, Dr. Aivars Ozolins.

Dr. Ozolins is originally from Riga, Latvia, and comes to us from California where he has worked as a senior church pastor. He also taught classes in Latvia, Uganda, and the USA.

He has a Ph.D in Inter-Cultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary in California, as well as a master’s in Religion/Pastoral Ministry from Newbold College, UK.

His wife, Juta Ozolina, has a master’s in Social Work and has been working as a social worker in the Los Angeles County these past few years. They have three adult children and one grandchild.

“From time to time, the AIIAS family rejoices when new family members are added to our community,” states AIIAS president, Dr. Stephen Guptill. “We are delighted to welcome them to the AIIAS church and community. We are delighted to have them join our family.” For those interested in learning more about their background and contributions, learn more here about their journey and commitment to service.

Dr. Ozolins is taking the place of Dr. Jim Park, a former professor in the AIIAS Theological Seminary.

The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) is a General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists institution that offers exclusively postgraduate education in four main areas: business, education, public health, and religion.

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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