Thank you for choosing to view the AIIAS Webinar, Roundtable, and Masterclass Sessions presented at the Adventist Virtual Global Campmeeting on May 19-23, 2021. The presentations will be made available after each concurrent session ends.
Webinar Sessions
Donny Chrissutianto, PhD
Assistant Professor of Historical Studies
Triune God in the Writings of Ellen White
Ellen White mentioned explicitly about the three persons in the Godhead. This presentation is not only showing those quotations but also the background in the Seventh-day Adventist when they were written. During the 1890s, the rise of the Trinitarian concept in the church got its support and even further development in the writing of Ellen White.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Carlos Mora, ThD
Professor of Old Testament
The Chronology of the Books of Joshua and Judges
It is important for the understanding of the narratives of Joshua and Judges to organize in a coherent way the chronological information of both books. This study takes the biblical evidence seriously and works with it in order to have the historical frame for the period of the Conquest and the Judges.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Hector Martin, PhD
Associate Professor of New Testament
Connecting Prepositions in the Greek New Testament
The topic provides a very basic overview of the different sorts of relations that can be communicated by the most commonly used NT Greek connectives. Understanding the function of these connectives or ‘conjunctions’ is foundational for properly understanding what is to follow.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Remwil Tornalejo, DTheol
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
The Biblical Understanding of Sin
Sin is enigmatic. No wonder there is a divergence in the understanding of sin. Some believe that sin is purely related to one’s actions and choices. Others believe that sin is more than just acts of wrong doings. Moreover, one’s perception of sin has vast implications on the doctrine of salvation and the idea of perfection. This study deals with how the Bible understands the nature of sin.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Dioi Cruz, PhD
Associate Professor of Global Mission Leadership
Biblical Principles for Cross-cultural Mentoring
While monocultural mentoring includes planned, ongoing, and mutually enriching relationship with someone to promote personal and professional growth, cross-cultural mentoring goes far beyond. It is not only about building knowledge or skills between equals, but it includes interaction with someone of a different race, gender, language, ethnicity, religion, cultural background, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, or nationality. This webinar will explore effective strategies to overcome cross-cultural boundaries through an incarnational ministry approach.
Category: Discipleship and Training
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD
Professor of Intercultural Studies, Missiology, and Research
Mission in Pluralistic Societies
Christians were challenged by new realities in their mission during the 20th and 21st centuries. Religious and philosophical pluralism forced missionaries to understand people’s worldviews and to adopt new attitudes and strategies to communicate to such a diverse audience. The multitude of denominations and religions, as well as secularism and postmodernism, revolutionized Christian mission that moved from a traditional evangelistic approach to hybrid forms and strategies. This webinar will briefly survey the arena of current challenges and the potential responses in a pluralist world.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD
Professor of Intercultural Studies, Missiology, and Research
Cross-Cultural Mission Training
This is a bonus presentation.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Samuel Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Teaching Online the Adventist Way
Category: Education
Arceli Rosario, PhD
Professor, AIIAS Graduate School
School Leadership at a Time of Crisis
How does school leadership look like and sound like at a time of crisis? First, good leaders consult with people they work with. Second, they prepare. Third, they communicate. Fourth, they care; their spirit of compassion shines through during a crisis. Fifth, they pray; they always pray, but the need for prayer becomes more keen, more urgent during a crisis. This crisis model, which is CPCCP, (C – consult, P – prepare, C – communicate, C – care, P – pray) is inspired by the leadership of Hezekiah recorded in 2 Chron. 32:1-23. When Hezekiah used this approach, the result was phenomenal: the people helped, then assembled, then gained confidence, then brought offerings and gifts. In fact, Hezekiah was far better off after the crisis than before the crisis.
Category: Education
Godwin N. Aja, DrPH, CHES
Professor of Public Health
Reflections on the “Ministry” in the Ministry of (Public) Health
In many countries, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Health or Ministère de la Santé is responsible for ensuring the health and wellbeing of the citizens. Meanwhile, the word “ministry” is a Christian religious term from the Latin word, ‘ministerium,’ meaning ‘the work or vocation of a minister of religion,’ first used in the 14th century. The purpose of this webinar is to highlight the importance of “ministry” in the ministry of (public) health and profession of public health and why “ministry” is the centerpiece of the Adventist public health education programs, aimed at preparing public health graduates best suited to lead, organize and deliver services in the national or denominational ministries of (public) health.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Olaotse Gabasiane, PhD
Professor of Missions
Power Encounter
Bonus Presentation
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Chirlynor Calbayan, DrPH, RND
Assistant Professor of Preventive Health Care, Nutrition
Diet and Disease Risk Reduction
Category: Health Ministries
Roundtable Discussion
Remwil Tornalejo, DTheol and Team
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Christ commissioned his disciples to “make disciples of all nations.” Definitely this task is given to us as well. But did Christ leave a blueprint for disciple-making? In this discussion, we will learn biblical principles of disciple-making to better equip us to fulfill our mission.
Category: Discipleship and Training
Cristian Dumitrescu, PhD
Professor of Intercultural Studies, Missiology, and Research
Liang Chuanshan
Reuel Almocera
Hatsarmaveth Venkaya
Kemil Yalishev
Mission Challenges and Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific and 10/40 Window
AIIAS prepares leaders from around the world to “go into all the world” as missionaries and servants. This roundtable will briefly look at the challenges missionaries encounter in their specific territories in Asia and the Pacific and at the solutions they found for frontline mission. As faculty, students, and alumni from Russia, China, the Philippines, and New Caledonia, the panelists will also reflect at how AIIAS equipped them to serve God and fellow humans.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Eike Mueller, ThD
Associate Professor of New Testament
The Church: Its Nature, Mission, and Authority
This roundtable discussion will contain experts from various academic fields and geographical locations to discuss the relevance, nature and importance of the church.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Arceli Rosario, PhD & Leni Casimiro, PhD
Professors, AIIAS Graduate School
Balancing Work, Study, and Parenting
Category: Education
Gracel Saban, PhD & Raimond Luntungan, MBA
Professors, AIIAS Graduate School
Unity in Diversity
Category: Education, Science, and Technology
Ginger Ketting-Weller, PhD
AIIAS President
Abner Dizon, DMiss
Pavel Zubkov, PhD
Olaotse Gabasiane, PhD
Practical Missiology for Church Members: How you can be a missionary wherever you are
A panel of AIIAS missiologists from three different continents share practical faith-sharing ideas from around the world. Includes topics such as “redemptive conversations,” tips for the “shy missionary,” reaching out to secular people, home and foreign mission approaches, innovative mission to the 10-40 window, non-confrontational approaches, pandemic-friendly mission outreach, short-term missions, the “sending missionary,” and contemporary models of mission.
Category: Mission, Outreach, and Service
Masterclass Classes
Teofilo Correa, ThD
Professor of Old Testament
Dealing with Biblical Exegesis: Take your Bible reading to the next level
This session is part of major classes such as “Selected Exegesis Courses” and “Biblical Interpretation” in our Seminary. In this class, I will share, in a concise way, the basic procedures of biblical exegesis in order to get a better understanding of the message of the Bible. This class is focused on people who have basic biblical and theological training or leaders of local churches who want to get some practical procedures as we explore and analyze the biblical text.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Pavel A. Zubkov, PhD
Assistant Professor of Applied Theology
How to Conduct an Online Focus Group Discussion
The use of internet technologies for conducting an online research has become more feasible than ever before. In the context of a pandemic an online data collection is a fast-growing field in social sciences. When compared to an individual interview, focus group interview is more efficient in terms of resources and information received. Even more, the significant feature of the online FGD is that it surpasses geographical and temporal limitations. It allows an easy group setup and it is time and cost effective. Besides, it appears to be more effective in discussing sensitive topics as compared to a traditional in-person FGD.
Category: Discipleship and Training
Gheorghe Razmerita, PhD
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology; Philosophy
Passing on the Sound Doctrine: The Role of Teaching Doctrine in the Local Church as Part of Evangelism, Nurture, and Discipleship
Many churches have swung from only-doctrine to no-doctrine extremes when it comes to evangelism, nurture, discipleship, and individual and communal Christian experience. This shift is especially noted with the change of generations of Christians. Is there still a place for doctrine in the life of the church? How could we teach doctrine without falling in dogmatism and in the disfavor of the new generations of Adventist Christians? This presentation discusses the role of teaching doctrine in the church’s evangelism, nurture, and discipleship, highlighting (1) the biblical view on the relationship of doctrine to the identity and mission of the Christian as an individual and of the church as a community, and (2) practical ways of approaching teaching doctrine in the experience of the church as a whole and the Christian as an individual.
Category: Discipleship and Training
Eike Mueller, ThD
Associate Professor of New Testament
How to Enhance Personal Bible Study With Bible Study Software
For many of us computers in the form at home and in our hands are all around us. This Masterclass will demonstrate how anyone can use Bible Study software to gain a new and deeper understanding of the Bible and grow in their personal faith journey.
Category: Theology and Spiritual Growth
Donny Chrissutianto, PhD
Assistant Professor of Historical Studies
How to know the context of Ellen White’s writings in Adventist resources?
Often time many people do not know the overall context of Ellen White’s when they read her compilation books and also when they find her quotations. This presentation provides a practical way how to trace the immediate context and the whole writings of those quotations practically using Adventist resources. This video shows that studying Seventh-day Adventist history and Ellen White’s writings nowadays are fascinating and much easier than several years ago.
Category: Discipleship and Training
Prema Gaikwad, PhD
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Strategies for Engaging Learners in an Online Class
Category: Education
Chirlynor Calbayan, DrPH, RND
Assistant Professor of Preventive Health Care, Nutrition
Diet and Disease Risk Reduction
[Cooking Demonstration] TBA
Category: Health Ministries