Experience AIIAS,
Change Your World
This course is designed to provide advanced church ministry experience. It is required as part of the MDiv program in cooperation with a local congregation. The students will participate in church ministry to develop skills such as preaching, evangelism, youth ministry, church leadership, and administration. This course may be repeated twice, indicated by successive Roman numerals.
Engage in church ministries under the supervision of a qualified “field supervisor” for at least two months (one term).
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
Ministry Activities
Victoria T. Aja, MDiv, BCC, is an associate professor in the Applied Theology Department of the AIIAS Theological Seminary in the Philippines. Victoria worked as an adjunct lecturer (Religious Studies Department) and full-time Chaplain at Babcock University / Babcock University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria before joining AIIAS in December 2017. Victoria holds the title of Board-Certified Chaplain. She strongly advocates for Clinical Pastoral Education to provide meaningful pastoral/spiritual care to church members, patients, and students..