Corona V: A Crown No One Wants to Wear
Everyone is concerned about the novel Coronavirus or COVID-19. It is one of the trending words on the Internet. A quick Google search of “Coronavirus” returns about 7.9 billion hits in less than a second.
Do you know that the word “corona” in Coronavirus is a Latin word for “crown”? In Greek, “corona” means “garland” or “wreath.” A crown on its own may be a good thing, but when it comes to a virus, then it is a crown of thorns!
“Corona” as a word may be good; as we have Corona Tools as a business, Corona Framework used for creating apps and games, and a beautiful city in southern California called Corona. But, corona-with-virus or “Corona V” (my term) is virulent, violent, and volatile.
As I reflect further on Corona V, I remember other chronic conditions with a “crown” – coronary heart (artery) disease or atherosclerotic heart disease, coronary thrombosis, coronary embolism, coronary vasospasm, and coronary aneurysm. All these relate to poor working conditions of the arteries around the heart.
Let us all endeavor to take the necessary measures to protect ourselves from Corona V. Remain healthy, happy and resilient. Keep those infected and affected by Coronavirus in your prayers!
Dr. Godwin N. Aja Professor AIIAS Graduate School Public Health Department
#StaySafe #StayHome #Self-quarantine #EatWell #SleepWell #RestWell #DrinkWater #RemainDistantly-sociallyConnected
Since 1987, the AIIAS Public Health Department has offered the Master in Public Health (MPH) degree program. AIIAS faculty and student body represent more than 70 different countries. This means that every class has international and multicultural components where public health students can come to know other cultures by first-hand experience. Many Public Health students choose to pursue double emphases, which opens up increased employment opportunities. AIIAS MPH focuses on wholeness from scientific and Adventist perspectives and the integration of faith and service as necessary professional competencies. AIIAS Public Health graduates serve the Adventist Church in different capacities and work in prestigious NGOs. Several have continued their education and obtained doctoral degrees from internationally renowned universities.
AIIAS Public Health Department