
Decades-long Service by Gaikwads Recognized in Retirement

Longest-serving education faculty, Drs. Samuel and Premalatha Gaikwad have retired and are moving back in January 2022 to their home base in Pune, near Spicer Adventist University in India. The Gaikwads leave AIIAS after 18-and-a-half commendable years of service in various leadership positions.

The Gaikwads earlier announced their retirement, but it was delayed due to pandemic restrictions for international travel to India. Unselfishly, the couple continued to support AIIAS by continuing to deliver their courses online for the graduate school and stepping into interim administrative work.

Nearly Two Decades of Faithful Service at AIIAS

Samuel Gaikwad began working at AIIAS as a professor in the AIIAS Graduate School Education Department in June 2003. Equipped by his previous leadership roles in academe, he has at various times filled in as the acting chair of the public health department, acting dean of the graduate school, and interim vice president for academic administration for AIIAS.

Prema Gaikwad has served as a professor in the Education department since 2003, chairing the department from 2007-2011 and 2013-2015. In addition, she became the editor of the “International Forum,” an internationally double-blind peer-reviewed journal produced by the graduate school. As prolific researchers and presenters in the field of education, the Gaikwads have also supported annual research conferences at AIIAS, encouraging students to embrace the practice of both quantitative and qualitative research by means of presentations and publications.

Before coming to AIIAS, the Gaikwads held prominent positions of leadership. Samuel served as the vice president for academic administration and later as president of Spicer Memorial College. He vividly recalls his earlier years teaching math and physics to high school students as the most memorable of all time. Prema found teaching at Spicer Adventist University to be a most meaningful experience in her journey as an educator. She started by teaching high school students as a math and physics teacher and taught undergraduate math, which led to teaching education and research classes at the graduate level for the Andrews University Extension at Spicer. As a professor of Education, Prema also became the dean of the School of Education, department chair for Education, development officer, and the director of the learning skills center.

The Gaikwads recall countless memorable experiences at AIIAS. One that stands out was the opportunity to travel to different countries, many as part of delivering education and professional development on behalf of AIIAS. They comment, “We were able to visit 45 countries and have met people of different races and cultures during those visits. These experiences have enhanced our understanding of the wonderful international family at AIIAS campus itself.”  They express their appreciation for AIIAS being the most friendly neighborhood, providing a cordial working environment while highlighting the love and respect of students. “We believe AIIAS is the school of the prophets. Each of us is privileged to be part of this institution, be it a student, staff, teacher, or administrator. Take advantage of and participate in the campus activities like the Sabbath School, church, seminars, workshops, conferences, and the like. Learn as much as you can so that you will be able to pass on to others. Most importantly, serve selflessly and with integrity, respecting all of God’s children,” advises the Gaikwads.

Dr. Arceli Rosario, chair of the AIIAS Education Department, appreciates the Gaikwads for their service at the graduate school. “Dr. Sam and Dr. Prema are real treasures. They may leave, but their legacy will keep on shining. They have exemplified what true Christian service is, that living is giving and loving is life. From them, we have learned how to teach with a heart, how to touch people and turn them into the best that they can be,” says Rosario.

“The Gaikwads are frequently referred to as a ‘father’ and ‘mother’ on the AIIAS campus,” says Ginger Ketting-Weller, AIIAS president. “They are indeed a wonderful parental presence, but so much more. They have inspired us all and have been untiring in insisting that students produce quality work in academia. And they have done all of this in the spirit of unselfish, humble service.”

Although retiring from formal professorial work to attend to family support needs, the Gaikwads stand ready to assist when called upon to teach in India, by distance for AIIAS, or elsewhere. Indeed, they continue to be educators for the Lord’s work. AIIAS wishes them God’s richest blessings as they move forward to their next phase of service.

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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