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Abner Dizon

The Lord has promised that those who obey the Lord’s commands will be made “the head, not the tail” and that they will “always be at the top, never at the bottom” in whatever endeavor they engage in (Deut. 28:13). That should be us, according to Adventist understanding of Revelation 14:12.

When it comes to missiological reflection and innovative mission endeavors, however, it seems that Adventists have consistently lagged behind Catholic, Conciliar and Evangelical missions. Concepts like population segments, unreached people groups, 10/40 Window, Mission to the Cities,” “elite ministry,” “tentmaking mission” have all been “borrowed” from Conciliar and Evangelical missiologists. Yet, when we study the writings of Ellen White, there are so much innovative missiological concepts there, which, if we would study and implement, would push the Seventh-day Adventist Church way out into the front line of missiological reflection and practice.

This paper will identify and explain some of the most innovative missiological concepts that can be found in the writings of Ellen White. It will also discuss the application of these concepts in the 21st century Adventist mission context.