AIIAS Seminary Secures Five-Year ATESEA Reaccreditation
The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) accrediting team finished their site visit to the AIIAS Theological
The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA) accrediting team finished their site visit to the AIIAS Theological
The AATS is welcoming submissions to be presented at the 11th AATS Annual Forum.
Kenneth Swansi, PhD Dean, Graduate School graduateschooldean@aiias.edu Ricardo González, PhD Dean, Seminary semdean@aiias.edu Kyungho Song, PhD Associate Dean, Seminary muellere@aiias.edu
We have the privilege to welcome Dr. Youssry Guirguis with his wife, Joan, and son, Benjamin, to AIIAS. Dr. Guirguis
We would like to welcome Dr. Gideon Petersen and his wife, Pamela, to AIIAS. Dr. Petersen joins the Department of
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Dr. Allan Pasuhuk, his wife Rinny and their two children, Jennifer