
Scholars Exchange Views on the Bible and African Culture

The AIIAS community of scholars gathered in the campus auditorium for the 14th annual theological forum of the AIIAS African Theological Association (AATA).


Held March 27-30, 2019, speakers and presenters from Africa enlightened the community with presentations concerning the African perspective of the Bible and culture.


“How to witness effectively in a continent like Africa with 54 different countries and all kinds of cultural distinctness and challenges demands in-depth study, reflection, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to succeed,” stated Dr. Ricardo A. Gonzalez, AIIAS Seminary dean.


The forum was divided into 22 presentations which were under the scope of the theme “The Bible and Culture: An African Perspective”. The forum opened with the keynote address of Dr. Kwabena Donkor who touched on the topic of Culture and Adventist Theology and Practice in Africa. He spoke about postcolonial African theology and the implications that it has for the African culture and Adventism in Africa.


Other guest speakers of the forum—Dr. Elder Zuki Mxoli presented three consecutive sessions of “Our Mission as Africans of Influence” while Dr. Olaotse Gabasiane presented on “Cultural Intelligence: An Imperative for the Contemporary Leader” and “Perspectives in Relational Leadership in the Bible and African Culture”. Students and faculty of AIIAS, as well as visiting students from outside the country, presented their study of the issues of Christianity and biblical principles within Africa’s rich cultural heritage and traditions.


“Papers have been written, studies have been carried out, and conferences/seminars conducted but the question still remains, “where do we place the dichotomy between African cultural practices and biblical principles?” said Sanned Lubani, AATA President 2018-2019. Along those lines, the forum coordinators held a panel discussion about the dichotomy between cultural practices and biblical principles.


The forum presented the launch of The Journal of AIIAS African Theological Association Volume 8 which is an annual peer-reviewed and refereed journal that seeks to publish quality biblical-theological papers in the context of the African Adventist community. To secure a copy, email


“I see the AATA Forum as an important opportunity to challenge AIIAS and other scholars to become engaged—actively examining contemporary ideas and not merely waiting for others to lead the way or mindlessly moving along with what is happening in the Church and society,” stated Dr. Dolf Oberholster, AIIAS vice president for academic administration.


To know more about the AIIAS African Theological Association and their upcoming events, visit:

— Sharnie Love Zamora, AIIAS Assistant for Institutional Writing


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