AIIAS is pleased with the results presented to the October board showing the statistics for students completing their degrees at AIIAS.
The report showed the completion rates of AIIAS full-time students for the past four years. Ultimately, the report showed that the majority of AIIAS students completed their programs within the normal duration of the program.
AIIAS is committed in helping each student complete their study based on the academic requirements of their program within the normal duration of the program.
One of the greatest concern for pursuing a graduate education is how much time will it actually take for a student to complete his or her degree program. Over time, students become anxious to complete their studies as quickly as possible and return to their careers or pursue a new one. Sponsoring organizations want to ensure that their resources are maximized in the duration of the study. In short, completing a program within the normal duration of the program is most desirable to all parties.
Certain programs do have prerequisite classes and competencies that are expected to be completed before entering a program. That should not be confused with the time it takes to complete the actual program.
The report covers the duration from the first time a student registers for a course in a program until the last requirement for that program is completed.
“This report refers to the full-time students, so those who leave for some time or are working would not be included in the list,” says AIIAS vice president for academic administration, Dr. Dolf Oberholster. “It also does not include the time that the students may have spent in the English Center.”
In the table please note the following figures:
The mean number of months to complete a PhD in Education is 38 months in a program designed for 39 months. PhD in Religion, a program designed for 60 months, has a mean completion of 50 months. The DMin program takes an average of 40 months instead of 42 months. The PhD Business took students a bit longer with a mean of 47 compared to the program design of only 45 months.
Looking into the master-level programs, the average mean of completion is generally the same with the program design or even lower. Two programs that took longer to complete were the MA in Education and MMin regardless of the thesis or non-thesis option.
AIIAS recognizes that there are times when students take longer than expected for a variety of reasons, but it is good to see that the majority of students complete their programs in a timely way.