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In Loving Memory of Dr. William Green

AIIAS announces with sadness that former Graduate School Dean Dr. William “Bill” Green passed away peacefully on December 29, 2023 at his residence near Collegedale, Tennessee, U.S.A


Dr. Green, a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist educator, earned his MA in Reading Education from California State University and his PhD in School Leadership from the University of Oregon. He served as a faculty member in a number of Adventist higher education institutions, including La Sierra University, Northern Caribbean University, Southern Adventist University and Andrews University. At Andrews University he was instrumental, along with two other faculty members, in setting up the PhD in Leadership program, a low-residence program that has accomplished much in preparing leaders for a variety of fields of service to the world church.

Coming to AIIAS in 2014, Dr. Green served as a professor of Education as the Dean of the Graduate School. From AIIAS he continued to make a difference in Adventist education not only on campus, but with educators from around the world. Over the years in the institutions in which he served, Dr. Green adeptly guided hundreds of doctoral dissertations and masters theses, leaving an indelible mark on academia and helping to train in new faculty members to the craft of teaching in graduate education. His intellectual contributions are reflected in numerous academic publications and books, reflecting his dedication to advancing educational theory and practice.

Beyond his academic achievements, Dr. Green was a cherished mentor and administrator. Alongside his wife Dr. Rita Henriquez-Green, a fine educator in her own right, Dr. Green pioneered a transformative teacher training program at AIIAS for master’s and doctoral candidates. Their goal was always to enhance the skills of in-service teachers as they further honed their expertise in excellent teaching. To their students and colleagues, the Greens have been a beacon of inspiration and wisdom. Many fondly remember and frequently quote his insightful and gracious words, often beginning with, “Dr. Bill Green would say this…”

Dr. Green departed AIIAS in 2018. Even after their departure, the Greens provided professional development and encouragement for the AIIAS Academy teachers from afar, meeting with them via video from their home in the United States. Dr. Green’s loss leaves a void in the world of Adventist education, as well as with those he mentored at AIIAS.

AIIAS extends our deepest condolences to Dr. Rita Henriquez-Green and the entire family during this challenging time. As we mourn the passing of a remarkable educator and missionary, we also celebrate the legacy of Dr. William Green—an excellent leader and an inspiration in Adventist education.

— Ginger Ketting-Weller, AIIAS President


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